## Too long for checks
## read in data and create a TDR object
zz <- system.file(file.path("data", "dives.csv"),
package="diveMove", mustWork=TRUE)
(sealX <- readTDR(zz, speed=TRUE, sep=";", na.strings="", as.is=TRUE))
if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) plotTDR(sealX) # html plotly
## detect periods of activity, and calibrate depth, creating
## a "TDRcalibrate" object
if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) dcalib <- calibrateDepth(sealX)
## Use the "offset" ZOC method to zero-offset correct depth at 3 m
(dcalib <- calibrateDepth(sealX, zoc.method="offset", offset=3))
if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) {
## plot all readings and label them with the phase of the record
## they belong to, excluding surface readings
plotTDR(dcalib, surface=FALSE)
## plot the first 300 dives, showing dive phases and surface readings
plotTDR(dcalib, diveNo=seq(300), surface=TRUE)
## calibrate speed (using changes in depth > 1 m and default remaining arguments)
(vcalib <- calibrateSpeed(dcalib, z=1))
## Obtain dive statistics for all dives detected
dives <- diveStats(vcalib)
## Attendance table
att <- timeBudget(vcalib, FALSE) # taking trivial aquatic activities into account
att <- timeBudget(vcalib, TRUE) # ignoring them
## Identify which phase each dive belongs to
stamps <- stampDive(vcalib)
sumtab <- data.frame(stamps, dives)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab