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diveMove (version 1.6.2)

fitNLSbouts,data.frame-method: Fit mixture of Poisson Processes to Log Frequency data via Non-linear Least Squares regression


Methods for modelling a mixture of 2 or 3 random Poisson processes to histogram-like data of log frequency vs interval mid points. This follows Sibly et al. (1990) method.


# S4 method for data.frame
fitNLSbouts(obj, start, maxiter, ...)

# S4 method for Bouts fitNLSbouts(obj, start, maxiter, ...)


nls object resulting from fitting this model to data.



Object of class Bouts, or data.frame with named components lnfreq (log frequencies) and corresponding x (mid points of histogram bins).

start, maxiter

Arguments passed to nls.


Optional arguments passed to nls.

Methods (by class)

  • data.frame: Fit NLS model on data.frame

  • Bouts: Fit NLS model on Bouts object


Sebastian P. Luque spluque@gmail.com


Sibly, R.; Nott, H. and Fletcher, D. (1990) Splitting behaviour into bouts Animal Behaviour 39, 63-69.

See Also

fitMLEbouts for a better approach; boutfreqs; boutinit


Run this code
## Run example to retrieve random samples for two- and three-process
## Poisson mixtures with known parameters as 'Bouts' objects
## ('xbouts2', and 'xbouts3'), as well as starting values from
## broken-stick model ('startval2' and 'startval3')
utils::example("boutinit", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)

## 2-process
bout2.fit <- fitNLSbouts(xbouts2, start=startval2, maxiter=500)

## 3-process
## The problem requires using bound constraints, which is available
## via the 'port' algorithm
l_bnds <- c(100, 1e-3, 100, 1e-3, 100, 1e-6)
u_bnds <- c(5e4, 1, 5e4, 1, 5e4, 1)
bout3.fit <- fitNLSbouts(xbouts3, start=startval3, maxiter=500,
                         lower=l_bnds, upper=u_bnds, algorithm="port")
plotBouts(bout3.fit, xbouts3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab