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diveMove (version 1.6.2)

plotZOC,TDR,matrix-method: Methods for visually assessing results of ZOC procedure


Plots for comparing the zero-offset corrected depth from a TDRcalibrate object with the uncorrected data in a TDR object, or the progress in each of the filters during recursive filtering for ZOC (calibrateDepth).


# S4 method for TDR,matrix
plotZOC(x, y, xlim, ylim, ylab = "Depth (m)", ...)

# S4 method for TDR,TDRcalibrate plotZOC(x, y, xlim, ylim, ylab = "Depth (m)", ...)


Nothing; a plot as side effect.



TDR object.


matrix with the same number of rows as there are observations in x, or a TDRcalibrate object.


POSIXct or numeric vector of length 2, with lower and upper limits of time to be plotted. Defaults to time range of input.


numeric vector of length 2 (upper, lower) with axis limits. Defaults to range of input.


character strings to label the corresponding y-axis.


Arguments passed to legend.

Methods (by class)

  • x = TDR,y = matrix: This plot helps in finding appropriate parameters for diveMove:::.depthFilter, and consists of three panels. The upper panel shows the original data, the middle panel shows the filters, and the last panel shows the corrected data. method=“visual” in calibrateDepth.

  • x = TDR,y = TDRcalibrate: This plots depth from the TDRcalibrate object over the one from the TDR object.


Sebastian P. Luque spluque@gmail.com


The TDR,matrix method produces a plot like those shown in Luque and Fried (2011).

The TDR,TDRcalibrate method overlays the corrected depth from the second argument over that from the first.


Luque, S.P. and Fried, R. (2011) Recursive filtering for zero offset correction of diving depth time series. PLoS ONE 6:e15850

See Also

calibrateDepth, .zoc


Run this code
## Using the Example from '?diveStats':
## Too long for checks

utils::example("diveStats", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)

## Plot filters for ZOC
## Work on first phase (trip) subset, to save processing time, since
## there's no drift nor shifts between trips
tdr <- divesTDR[1:15000]
## Try window widths (K), quantiles (P) and bound the search (db)
K <- c(3, 360); P <- c(0.5, 0.02); db <- c(0, 5)
d.filter <- diveMove:::.depthFilter(depth=getDepth(tdr),
                                    k=K, probs=P, depth.bounds=db,
old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
plotZOC(tdr, d.filter, ylim=c(0, 6))

## Plot corrected and uncorrected depth, regardless of method
## Look at three different scales
xlim1 <- c(getTime(divesTDR)[7100], getTime(divesTDR)[11700])
xlim2 <- c(getTime(divesTDR)[7100], getTime(divesTDR)[7400])
xlim3 <- c(getTime(divesTDR)[7100], getTime(divesTDR)[7200])
par(mar=c(3, 4, 0, 1) + 0.1, cex=1.1, las=1)
plotZOC(divesTDR, dcalib, xlim=xlim1, ylim=c(0, 6))
plotZOC(divesTDR, dcalib, xlim=xlim2, ylim=c(0, 70))
plotZOC(divesTDR, dcalib, xlim=xlim3, ylim=c(0, 70))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab