## Using the Example from '?readLocs':
utils::example("readLocs", package="diveMove",
ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE)
ringy <- subset(locs, id == "ringy" & !is.na(lon) & !is.na(lat))
## Examples below use default Meeus algorithm for computing distances.
## See ?distSpeed for specifying other methods.
## Austin et al.'s group filter alone
grp <- grpSpeedFilter(ringy[, 3:5], speed.thr=1.1)
## McConnell et al.'s filter (root mean square test), and distance test
## alone
rms <- rmsDistFilter(ringy[, 3:5], speed.thr=1.1, dist.thr=300)
## Show resulting tracks
n <- nrow(ringy)
plot.nofilter <- function(main) {
plot(lat ~ lon, ringy, type="n", main=main)
with(ringy, segments(lon[-n], lat[-n], lon[-1], lat[-1]))
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
plot.nofilter(main="Unfiltered Track")
plot.nofilter(main="Group Filter")
n1 <- length(which(grp))
with(ringy[grp, ], segments(lon[-n1], lat[-n1], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Root Mean Square Filter")
n2 <- length(which(rms[, 1]))
with(ringy[rms[, 1], ], segments(lon[-n2], lat[-n2], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Distance Filter")
n3 <- length(which(rms[, 2]))
with(ringy[rms[, 2], ], segments(lon[-n3], lat[-n3], lon[-1], lat[-1],
## All three tests (Austin et al. procedure)
austin <- with(ringy, austFilter(time, lon, lat, speed.thr=1.1,
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
plot.nofilter(main="Unfiltered Track")
plot.nofilter(main="Stage 1")
n1 <- length(which(austin[, 1]))
with(ringy[austin[, 1], ], segments(lon[-n1], lat[-n1], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Stage 2")
n2 <- length(which(austin[, 2]))
with(ringy[austin[, 2], ], segments(lon[-n2], lat[-n2], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Stage 3")
n3 <- length(which(austin[, 3]))
with(ringy[austin[, 3], ], segments(lon[-n3], lat[-n3], lon[-1], lat[-1],
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