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diveMove (version 1.6.4)

plotDiveModel,diveModel,missing-method: Methods for plotting models of dive phases


All methods produce a double panel plot. The top panel shows the depth against time, the cubic spline smoother, the identified descent and ascent phases (which form the basis for identifying the rest of the dive phases), while the bottom panel shows the first derivative of the smooth trace.


# S4 method for diveModel,missing
plotDiveModel(x, diveNo)

# S4 method for TDRcalibrate,missing plotDiveModel(x, diveNo)

# S4 method for numeric,numeric plotDiveModel( x, y, times.s, depths.s, d.crit, a.crit, diveNo = 1, times.deriv, depths.deriv, d.crit.rate, a.crit.rate )



A diveModel (diveModel,missing method), numeric vector of time step observations (numeric,numeric method), or TDRcalibrate object (TDRcalibrate,numeric method).


integer representing the dive number selected for plotting.


numeric vector with depth observations at each time step.


numeric vector with time steps used to generate the smoothing spline (i.e. the knots, see diveModel).


numeric vector with smoothed depth (see diveModel).


integer denoting the index where descent ends in the observed time series (see diveModel).


integer denoting the index where ascent begins in the observed time series (see diveModel).


numeric vector representing the time steps where the derivative of the smoothing spline was evaluated (see diveModel).


numeric vector representing the derivative of the smoothing spline evaluated at times.deriv (see diveModel).


numeric scalar: vertical rate of descent corresponding to the quantile used (see diveModel).


numeric scalar: vertical rate of ascent corresponding to the quantile used (see diveModel).

Methods (by class)

  • x = diveModel,y = missing: Given a diveModel object and (possibly) the dive number that it corresponds to, the plot shows the model data.

  • x = TDRcalibrate,y = missing: Given a TDRcalibrate object and a dive number to extract from it, this method plots the observed data and the model. The intended use of this method is through plotTDR when what="dive.model".

  • x = numeric,y = numeric: Base method, requiring all aspects of the model to be provided.


Sebastian P. Luque spluque@gmail.com

See Also



Run this code
## Too long for checks

## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)

## 'diveModel' method
dm <- getDiveModel(dcalib, 100)
plotDiveModel(dm, diveNo=100)

## 'TDRcalibrate' method
plotDiveModel(dcalib, diveNo=100)

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