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diveRsity (version 1.9.89)

gpSampler: Randomly sample a genepop file


Randomly re-samples population samples from a genepop file for user defined sizes and returns a new genepop file containing the sub-sample data. The function can easily be integrated into simulation pipelines when exploring sample size effects.


gpSampler(infile = NULL, samp_size = 10, outfile = NULL)


A character string pointing to a genepop input file. If the file exists in the current working directory, only the file name is required. If the file resides elsewhere, the entire file path is required.
This argument specifies the number of individuals to be randomly sampled from each population sample in the input file. Either a single numeric argument can be passed or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of population samples in the genepop file.
A character string specifying the prefix name for the resulting file. This string will be suffixed with ".gen". The file will be written to the working directory, unless a properly formatted path is passed to outfile