## Start with a simple tree evolved under a constant rates birth-death
## model with asymetric character evolution
pars <- c(.1, .1, .03, .03, .03, .06)
phy <- trees(pars, "bisse", max.taxa=50, max.t=Inf, x0=0)[[1]]
## Here is the true history. The root node appears to be state 1 (red)
## at the root, despite specifying a root of state 0 (x0=0, in statement
## above). This is because the tree started with a single lineage, but
## had changed state by the time the first speciation event happened.
h <- history.from.sim.discrete(phy, 0:1)
plot(h, phy, main="True history")
## All of the methods need a likelihood function; build a mk2 function:
lik <- make.mk2(phy, phy$tip.state)
## Using the true parameters, compute the marginal ancestral state
## reconstructions:
st.m <- asr.marginal(lik, pars[5:6])
## There is still not a good stand-alone plotting command for nodes.
## For now, use ape's nodelabels().
plot(h, phy, main="Marginal ASR", show.node.state=FALSE)
nodelabels(thermo=t(st.m), piecol=1:2, cex=.5)
## Again, with the true parameters, a sample from the joint
## distribution:
st.j <- asr.joint(lik, pars[5:6])
## Plotting this sample against the true values.
plot(h, phy, main="Joint ASR", show.node.state=FALSE)
nodelabels(pch=19, col=st.j + 1)
## This is just one sample, and is not very accurate in this case! Make
## 1,000 such samples and average them:
st.j2 <- asr.joint(lik, pars[5:6], 1000)
st.j2.mean <- colMeans(st.j2)
plot(h, phy, main="Joint ASR (averaged)", show.node.state=FALSE)
nodelabels(thermo=1-st.j2.mean, piecol=1:2, cex=.5)
## Check the estimates against one another:
plot(st.m[2,], st.j2.mean, xlab="Marginal", ylab="Joint", las=1)
abline(0, 1)
## Finally, the stochastic character mapping. This uses samples from
## the joint distribution at its core.
st.s <- asr.stoch(lik, pars[5:6])
plot(st.s, phy)
## Again, multiple samples can be done at once. There is a function for
## summarising histories, but it is still in the works.
## Repeating the above with a two-state mkn model:
lik2 <- make.mkn(phy, phy$tip.state + 1, 2, FALSE)
## Everything works:
st2.m <- asr.marginal(lik2, pars[5:6])
st2.j <- asr.joint(lik2, pars[5:6], 100)
st2.s <- asr.stoch(lik2, pars[5:6])
## Marginal likelihoods agree:
all.equal(st.m, st2.m)
## Joint reconstructions are stochastic, so just check with a
## regression:
summary(lm(colMeans(st2.j) - 1 ~ colMeans(st.j2) - 1))
## Integrate parameter uncertainty, and see how far down the tree there
## is any real information on parameter states for this tree (this takes
## about 6s)
if (FALSE) {
prior <- make.prior.exponential(.5)
samples <- mcmc(lik, pars[5:6], 1000, w=1, prior=prior, print.every=100)
st.m.avg <- rowMeans(apply(samples[2:3], 1, asr.joint, lik=lik))
plot(h, phy, main="MCMC Averaged ASR", show.node.state=FALSE)
nodelabels(thermo=1 - st.m.avg, piecol=1:2, cex=.5)
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