## Due to a change in sample() behaviour in newer R it is necessary to
## use an older algorithm to replicate the previous examples
if (getRversion() >= "3.6.0") {
RNGkind(sample.kind = "Rounding")
## To demonstrate, start with a simple bivariate normal. The function
## 'make.mvn' creates likelihood function for the multivariate normal
## distribution given 'mean' (a vector) and 'vcv' (the variance
## covariance matrix). This is based on mvnorm in the package
## mvtnorm, but will be faster where the vcv does not change between
## calls.
make.mvn <- function(mean, vcv) {
logdet <- as.numeric(determinant(vcv, TRUE)$modulus)
tmp <- length(mean) * log(2 * pi) + logdet
vcv.i <- solve(vcv)
function(x) {
dx <- x - mean
-(tmp + rowSums((dx %*% vcv.i) * dx))/2
## Our target distribution has mean 0, and a VCV with positive
## covariance between the two parameters.
vcv <- matrix(c(1, .25, .25, .75), 2, 2)
lik <- make.mvn(c(0, 0), vcv)
## Sample 500 points from the distribution, starting at c(0, 0).
samples <- mcmc(lik, c(0, 0), 500, 1, print.every=100)
## The marginal distribution of V1 (the first axis of the
## distribution) should be a normal distribution with mean 0 and
## variance 1:
curve(dnorm, xlim=range(samples$X1), ylim=c(0, .5), col="red")
hist(samples$X1, 30, add=TRUE, freq=FALSE)
plot(X2 ~ X1, samples, pch=19, cex=.2, col="#00000055", asp=1)
## The estimated variance here matches nicely with the true VCV: (These
## all look much better if you increase the number of sampled points,
## say to 10,000)
## The above uses slice sampling. We can use simple Gaussian updates
## instead. This performs updates with standard deviation '1' in each
## direction. Unlike slice sampling, the 'w' parameter here will
## matter a great deal in determining how fast the chain will mix.
samples.norm <- mcmc(lik, c(0, 0), 500, 1, print.every=100,
## This *appears* to run much faster than the slice sampling based
## approach above, but the effective sample size of the second
## approach is much lower. The 'effectiveSize' function in coda says
## that for 10,000 samples using slice sampling, the effective sample
## size (equivalent number of independent samples) is about 8,500, but
## for the Gaussian updates is only 1,200. This can be seen by
## comparing the autocorrelation between samples from the two
## different runs.
op <- par(oma=c(0, 0, 2, 0))
title(main="Slice sampling", outer=TRUE)
title(main="Gaussian updates", outer=TRUE)
## The autocorrelation is negligable after just 2 samples under slice
## sampling, but remains significant for about 15 with Gaussian
## updates.
if (FALSE) {
## Next, a diversitree likelihood example. This example uses a 203
## species phylogeny evolved under the BiSSE model. This takes a
## more substantial amount of time, so is not evaluated by default.
pars <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.03, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01)
phy <- tree.bisse(pars, max.t=60, x0=0)
## First, create a likelihood function:
lik <- make.bisse(phy, phy$tip.state)
## This produces about a sample a second, so takes a while. The "upper"
## limit is a hard upper limit, above which the sampler will never let
## the parameter go (in effect, putting a uniform prior on the range
## lower..upper, and returning the joint distribution conditional on the
## parameters being in this range).
tmp <- mcmc(lik, pars, nsteps=100, w=.1)
## The argument 'w' works best when it is about the width of the "high
## probability" region for that parameter. This takes the with of the
## 90% quantile range. The resulting widths are only slightly faster
## than the first guess. Samples are generated about 1/s; allow 15
## minutes to generate 1000 samples.
w <- diff(sapply(tmp[2:7], quantile, c(.05, .95)))
out <- mcmc(lik, pars, nsteps=1000, w=w)
## You can do several things with this. Look for candidate ML points:
## Or look at the marginal distribution of parameters
profiles.plot(out["lambda0"], col.line="red")
## Or look at the joint marginal distribution of pairs of parameters
plot(lambda0 ~ mu0, out)
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