## Not run:
# require(dlmodeler)
# # a stochastic level+trend DLM
# mod <- dlmodeler.build(
# a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
# P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
# P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
# matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
# diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
# diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
# matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
# matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix
# )
# # print the model
# mod
# # check if it is valid
# dlmodeler.check(mod)$status
# # an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stocastic)
# # and bi-variate observations
# mod <- dlmodeler.build(dimensions=c(4,3,2))
# # print the model
# mod
# # check if it is valid
# dlmodeler.check(mod)$status
# ## End(Not run)
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