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dlmodeler (version 1.4-2)

dlmodeler.build.dseasonal: Build a "dummy seasonal" model


Builds an univariate "dummy seasonal" DLM of the specified order.


dlmodeler.dseasonal(ord, sigmaH = NA, sigmaQ = 0, name = "dseasonal")
deterministic.season(ord, name="deterministic season") stochastic.season(ord, name="stochastic season")
# old function name dlmodeler.build.dseasonal(ord, sigmaH = NA, sigmaQ = 0, name = "dseasonal")


period of the seasonal pattern.
std dev of the observation disturbance (if unknown, set to NA and use dlmodeler.fit to estimate it). Default = NA.
std dev of the state disturbance (if unknown, set to NA and use dlmodeler.fit to estimate it). Default = 0.
an optional name to be given to the resulting DLM.


An object of class dlmodeler representing the dummy seasonal model.


The seasonal pattern is represented by ord seasonal indices $a[1], a[2], ..., a[ord]$. The indices are constrained such that their sum equals 0, with $a[ord] = -a[1] - a[2] - a[3] ... -a[ord-1]$. This only requires ord-1 state variables.

The initial value P0inf is parametered to use exact diffuse initialisation (if supported by the back-end).

The deterministic season model, is a special case of the dseasonal model, where sigmaH=0 and sigmaQ=0.

The stochastic season model, is a special case of the dseasonal model, where sigmaH=0 and sigmaQ=NA.


Durbin, and Koopman, Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods, Oxford University Press (2001), pages 38-45.

See Also

dlmodeler, dlmodeler.build, dlmodeler.build.polynomial, dlmodeler.build.tseasonal, dlmodeler.build.structural, dlmodeler.build.arima, dlmodeler.build.regression


Run this code
## Not run: 
# require(dlmodeler)
# # generate some quarterly data
# n <- 80
# level <- 12
# sigma <- .75
# season <- c(5,6,8,2)
# y <- level + rep(season,n/4) + rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
# # deterministic level + quarterly seasonal + disturbance
# mod <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(0,sigmaH=sigma) +
#        dlmodeler.build.dseasonal(4,sigmaH=0)
# f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, mod)
# # show the one step ahead forecasts
# plot(y,type='l')
# lines(f$f[1,],col='light blue')
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab