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dlmodeler (version 1.4-2)

dlmodeler.build.tseasonal: Build a trigonometric seasonal model


Builds an univariate trigonometric seasonal DLM of the specified order.


dlmodeler.tseasonal(per, ord = NULL, sigmaH = NA, sigmaQ = 0, name = "tseasonal")
dlmodeler.build.tseasonal(per, ord = NULL, sigmaH = NA, sigmaQ = 0, name = "tseasonal")


period of the seasonal pattern.
order (number of harmonics) of the seasonal pattern. Optional when per is an integer (a default value is used), mandatory otherwise.
std dev of the observation disturbance (if unknown, set to NA and use dlmodeler.fit to estimate it). Default = NA.
std dev of the state disturbance (if unknown, set to NA and use dlmodeler.fit to estimate it). Default = 0.
an optional name to be given to the resulting DLM.


An object of class dlmodeler representing the trigonometric seasonal model.


The trigonometric decomposition has the form $a[1]cos(2pi/per) + a[2]sin(2pi/per) + a[3]cos(2pi/per*2) + a[4]sin(2pi/per*2) ... + a[2*ord-1]cos(2pi/per*ord) + a[2*ord]sin(2pi/per*ord)$.

If ord is not specified, the order is selected such that there are per-1 coefficients in the decomposition. In this case, per must be an integer value.

The initial value P0inf is parametered to use exact diffuse initialisation (if supported by the back-end).


Durbin, and Koopman, Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods, Oxford University Press (2001), pages 38-45.

See Also

dlmodeler, dlmodeler.build, dlmodeler.build.polynomial, dlmodeler.build.dseasonal, dlmodeler.build.structural, dlmodeler.build.arima, dlmodeler.build.regression


Run this code
## Not run: 
# require(dlmodeler)
# # generate some data
# N <- 365*5
# t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
# a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
# y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
#      exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
# # build a model for this data
# m <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(0,sigmaH=.5,name='level') +
#      dlmodeler.build.dseasonal(7,sigmaH=0,name='week')
#      dlmodeler.build.tseasonal(365.25,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
#      dlmodeler.build.regression(a,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
# m$name <- 'mymodel'
# system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE))
# # extract all the components
# m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",
#                                   value="mean")
# m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",
#                                  value="covariance")
# m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",
#                                 value="mean")
# m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",
#                                value="covariance")
# m.obs.int <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",
#                                value="interval",prob=.99)
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# # show the one step ahead forecasts & 99% prediction intervals
# plot(y,xlim=c(N-10,N+30))
# lines(m.obs.int$mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
# lines(m.obs.int$mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
# lines(m.obs.int$mymodel$mean[1,],col=2)
# # see to which values the filter has converged:
# m.state.mean$level[,N] # should be close to pi
# mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N])) # should be close to 0
# m.state.mean$year[1,N] # should be close to 1
# m.state.mean$year[6,N] # should be close to .25
# m.state.mean$reg[,N] # should be close to e
# # show the filtered level+year components
# plot(m.obs.mean$level[1,]+m.obs.mean$year[1,],
# 		type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
# 		ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
# system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f,m))
# # show the smoothed level+year components
# s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",
#                                 value="mean")
# lines(s.obs.mean$level[1,]+s.obs.mean$year[1,],type='l',
# 		ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')
# ## End(Not run)

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