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dlmodeler (version 1.4-2)

dlmodeler.fit: Fitting function for a model (MLE, MSE, MAD, sigma)


Fits a DLM by maximum likelihood (MLE), minimum squared errror (MSE), minimum average deviation (MAD) or minimum standard deviation (sigma) methods.


dlmodeler.fit(yt, model=NULL, method=c("MLE","MSE","MAD","MAPE","sigma"), ...)
dlmodeler.fit.MLE(yt, build.fun, par, backend = c('KFAS','FKF','dlm'), method = "L-BFGS-B", verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE, filter = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, raw.result = FALSE, ...)
dlmodeler.fit.MSE(yt, build.fun, par, ahead, iters = NCOL(yt)-ahead-start-1, step = 1, start = 1, backend = c('KFAS','FKF','dlm'), method = "L-BFGS-B", verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE, filter = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, raw.result=FALSE, ...)
dlmodeler.fit.MAD(yt, build.fun, par, ahead, iters = NCOL(yt)-ahead-start-1, step = 1, start = 1, backend = c('KFAS','FKF','dlm'), method = "L-BFGS-B", verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE, filter = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, raw.result=FALSE, ...)
dlmodeler.fit.MAPE(yt, build.fun, par, ahead, iters = NCOL(yt)-ahead-start-1, step = 1, start = 1, backend = c('KFAS','FKF','dlm'), method = "L-BFGS-B", verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE, filter = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, raw.result=FALSE, ...)
dlmodeler.fit.sigma(yt, build.fun, par, backend = c('KFAS','FKF','dlm'), method = "L-BFGS-B", verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE, filter = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, raw.result=FALSE, ...)


matrix of observed values (one column per time step).
object of class dlmodeler with NA values to be fitted.
function taking parameter vector p as first argument and returning a DLM.
initial value of the parameter vector p.
an optional argument which specifies the back-end to use for the computations.
optimization method passed to function optim.
if TRUE, then write one line per iteration giving the parameter vector p and the value of the objective function.
if TRUE, then do not write anything.
if TRUE, then return the filtered optimal model.
if TRUE, the return the smoothed optimal model.
if TRUE, the raw results from the back-end will be stored in raw.result.
in case of MSE fitting, the number of predictions to make for each iteration.
in case of MSE fitting, the number of iterations.
in case of MSE fitting, the step between iterations.
in case of MSE fitting, the index of the first prediction.
additional arguments passed to build.fun.


An object of class dlmodeler.fit with the following values:
optimal parameter returned by the optimization function optim()
message returned by the optimization function optim()
convergence code returned by the optimization function optim()
optimal model found: build.fun(par)
value of the log-likelihood or NA
initial value of par
optionally, the filtered model: dlmodeler.filter(yt,build.fun(par))


dlmodeler.fit.MLE is designed to find parameter values which maximize the log-likelihood for the given data. This is called Maximum Likelihood Estimation.

dlmodeler.fit.MSE is designed to find parameter values which minimize the average $n$-step ahead prediction squared error $(predicted-actual)^2$ for the given data. This is called Minimum Squared Error fitting. The squared error is averaged over ahead prediction steps. Note that having ahead==1 is roughly equivalent to MLE fitting as long as only the mean is concerned.

dlmodeler.fit.MAD is designed to find parameter values which minimize the average $n$-step ahead prediction absolute error $|predicted-actual|$ for the given data. This is called Minimum Average Deviation fitting. The absolute error is averaged over ahead prediction steps.

dlmodeler.fit.MAPE is designed to find parameter values which minimize the average $n$-step ahead prediction absolute percentage error $|predicted-actual|$ for the given data. This is called Minimum Average Percentage Error fitting. The absolute percentage error is averaged over ahead prediction steps.

dlmodeler.fit.sigma is designed to find parameter values which minimize the one-step ahead prediction variance for the given data.

See Also

dlmodeler, dlmodeler.filter, dlmodeler.smooth, dlmodeler.forecast


Run this code
## Not run: 
# require(dlmodeler)
# # analysis from Durbin & Koopman book page 32
# # load and show the data
# y <- matrix(Nile,nrow=1)
# plot(y[1,],type='l')
# # y(t)   = a(t) + eta(t)
# # a(t+1) = a(t) + eps(t)
# mod <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(0,sigmaH=NA,sigmaQ=NA,name='p32')
# # fit the model by maximum likelihood estimation
# fit <- dlmodeler.fit(y, mod, method="MLE")
# # compare the fitted parameters with those reported by the authors
# fit$par[2]        # psi = -2.33
# fit$model$Ht[1,1] # H   = 15099
# fit$model$Qt[1,1] # Q   = 1469.1
# # compute the filtered and smoothed values
# f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, fit$mod, smooth=TRUE)
# # f.ce represents the filtered one steap ahead observation
# # prediction expectations E[y(t) | y(1), y(2), ..., y(t-1)]
# f.ce <- dlmodeler.extract(f, fit$model,
#                           type="observation", value="mean")
# # s.ce represents the smoothed observation expectations
# # E[y(t) | y(1), y(2), ..., y(n)]
# s.ce <- dlmodeler.extract(f$smooth, fit$model,
#                           type="observation", value="mean")
# # plot the components
# plot(y[1,],type='l')
# lines(f.ce$p32[1,],col='light blue',lty=2)
# lines(s.ce$p32[1,],col='dark blue')
# ## End(Not run)

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