read_excel: Read scheme data from Excel file into dmdSchemeSet object
Reads the data from an Excel file. Validation of the scheme version and
scheme name is always done. Additional validations are done depending on the
arguments validate. See detals below.
the name of the Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) containing the data to
be read.
if TRUE, the data in the spreadsheet file will
be kept (as in dmdScheme_example. If FALSE, it will be
replaced with one row with NAs as in dmdScheme. Only used when
raw == FALSE.
give verbose progress info. Useful for debugging.
if TRUE the imported spreadsheet file will be
returned as an object of class dmdScheme_raw. If
FALSE, it will be converted to an dmdScheme object.
if TRUE results are validated using
validate(validateData = FALSE, errorIfStructFalse = TRUE
).Consequently, an error is raised if the resulting scheme can not be
successfully validated against the one in the package. There are not many
cases where you want to change this value to FALSE. But if you do,
the result will not be validated. This can lead to invalid schemes!.
either if raw = TRUE a list of data.frames from the worksheets of
Class dmdScheme_raw, otherwise an object of class