Data on income, years of educations and ethnicity.
Wear of soles of shoes of materials A and B for one foot each for of ten boys.
This data frame contains:
Income: Yearly income.
Education: Number of years of education.
Racial-Ethnic group: "b" (black), "h" (hispanic) and "w" (white).
This data frame contains:
Wear, material A
Wear, material B
Id of boy
The foot with material A
Variable names are as in the reference.
The shoes data are measurements of the amount wear of the soles of shoes worn by 10 boys. The soles were made to two different synthetic materials, a standard material A and a cheaper material B.
Agresti, A. (2024) Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, Global Edition (6th edition). ISBN-13: 9781292449197. Table 13.1
Box, Hunter, Hunter (2005) Statistics for Experimenters, 2nd edition Wiley, p. 81.