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documair (version 0.6-0)

build8pkg: builds a package


From the documair directory containing at least the description file (pkg.DESCRIPTION), the presentation file (pkk.pacakge.Rd) and the code files (*.code.r) launches the preparation, the checking and the building by R itself. Resulting pdf manual and pkg.tar.gz files are placed into the indicated destination directory. Some intermediate directory (especially the pkg.Rcheck directory) are placed then deleted (in case of no error) into the within directory: so the possibility to create and remove them there is necessary. To look at the intermediate results, prepare8pkg and compile8pkg must be directly used, or l for left must be included in the argument what.


build8pkg(pkg,documair7dir,destination7dir, what="pz",display=TRUE, signature=2,check=FALSE)


Name of the package.
Directory where are gathered all necessary files for documair.
Directory where the resulting files have to be placed. If not existing will be created.
character(1). Indicates the actions to perform. It is lowercased before decoding. Wwhen it comprises c the check is performed; when it comprises z the tar.gz is generated; when it comprises p the pdf manual is generated; when it comprises l intermediate directories are left.
Must indications about the process progress be displayed onto the screen?
numeric(1). Must additional information be included in the pkg.package.Rd file? When 0 no; when 1 just the name of documair; when 2 plus the list of the masked functions.
Must checking be done by the user after each debugging display? Checking means that the program rrrpause after each display awaiting for an answer from the user to continue or stop.


character(0) when all went right if not a character reporting the motives of difficulties.


Make display more efficient when FALSE.


Whatever is the argument what, the preparation of the arborescence is made. Checking with fatal errors can be issued by the functions called by build8pkg. If this occurs, it means that the check made by build8pkg are not sufficient: please indicate us it.

See Also

prepare8pkg compile8pkg