if (require("Lahman") && require("microbenchmark")) {
lahman_local <- lahman_srcs("df", "dt", "cpp")
teams <- lapply(lahman_local, function(x) x %.% tbl("Teams"))
compare_tbls(teams, function(x) x %.% filter(yearID == 2010))
bench_tbls(teams, function(x) x %.% filter(yearID == 2010))
# You can also supply arbitrary additional arguments to bench_tbls
# if there are other operations you'd like to compare.
bench_tbls(teams, function(x) x %.% filter(yearID == 2010),
base = subset(Teams, yearID == 2010))
# A more complicated example using multiple tables
setup <- function(src) {
src %.% tbl("Batting") %.% filter(stint == 1) %.% select(playerID:H),
src %.% tbl("Master") %.% select(playerID, birthYear)
two_tables <- lapply(lahman_local, setup)
op <- function(tbls) {
semi_join(tbls[[1]], tbls[[2]], by = "playerID")
# compare_tbls(two_tables, op)
bench_tbls(two_tables, op, times = 2)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab