## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # Connection basics ---------------------------------------------------------
# # To connect to a database first create a src:
# my_db <- src_postgres(host = "blah.com", user = "hadley",
# password = "pass")
# # Then reference a tbl within that src
# my_tbl <- tbl(my_db, "my_table")
## ---------------------------------------------
# Here we'll use the Lahman database: to create your own local copy,
# create a local database called "lahman", or tell lahman_postgres() how to
# a database that you can write to
if (has_lahman("postgres")) {
# Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------
batting <- tbl(lahman_postgres(), "Batting")
# Data manipulation verbs ---------------------------------------------------
filter(batting, yearID > 2005, G > 130)
select(batting, playerID:lgID)
arrange(batting, playerID, desc(yearID))
summarise(batting, G = mean(G), n = n())
mutate(batting, rbi2 = if(is.null(AB)) 1.0 * R / AB else 0)
# note that all operations are lazy: they don't do anything until you
# request the data, either by `print()`ing it (which shows the first ten
# rows), by looking at the `head()`, or `collect()` the results locally.
system.time(recent <- filter(batting, yearID > 2010))
# Group by operations -------------------------------------------------------
# To perform operations by group, create a grouped object with group_by
players <- group_by(batting, playerID)
summarise(players, mean_g = mean(G), best_ab = max(AB))
best_year <- filter(players, AB == max(AB) | G == max(G))
progress <- mutate(players, cyear = yearID - min(yearID) + 1,
rank(desc(AB)), cumsum(AB, yearID))
# When you group by multiple level, each summarise peels off one level
per_year <- group_by(batting, playerID, yearID)
stints <- summarise(per_year, stints = max(stint))
filter(stints, stints > 3)
summarise(stints, max(stints))
mutate(stints, cumsum(stints, yearID))
# Joins ---------------------------------------------------------------------
player_info <- select(tbl(lahman_postgres(), "Master"), playerID, hofID,
hof <- select(filter(tbl(lahman_postgres(), "HallOfFame"), inducted == "Y"),
hofID, votedBy, category)
# Match players and their hall of fame data
inner_join(player_info, hof)
# Keep all players, match hof data where available
left_join(player_info, hof)
# Find only players in hof
semi_join(player_info, hof)
# Find players not in hof
anti_join(player_info, hof)
# Arbitrary SQL -------------------------------------------------------------
# You can also provide sql as is, using the sql function:
batting2008 <- tbl(lahman_postgres(),
sql('SELECT * FROM "Batting" WHERE "yearID" = 2008'))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab