drLumi (version 0.1.2)

est_conc: Estimates concentration given an scluminex object


Given a scluminex object with standard curve information and a data.frame with response values add to the original dataset the concentration data.


est_conc(x, df, fanalyte = "analyte", fmfi = "median", dilution = 1, one.curve = FALSE, level = 0.95)


a scluminex object.
input data.frame with the analyte and median fluorescence intensity variables.
name of the field with the analyte information. Default 'analyte'.
name of the field with the mfi (response) information. Default 'median'.
numeric value of the dilution that must be used for the estimation of the concentration.
logical according if only one curve must be used for estimation.
numeric value, confidence level, required. Default 0.95.


Input data.frame with the following merged variables:
  • log10.fitted.conc, log10 fitted concentration
  • log10.fitted.conc.se, log10 standard error of the log10 fitted concentration
  • dilution, dilution to be applied to the samples
  • dil.fitted.conc, diluted fitted concentration in original scale
  • dil.lb.conc, diluted fitted lower bound concentration in original scale
  • dil.ub.conc, diluted fitted upper bound concentration in original scale
  • warning, warning message (if necessary)


Given a scluminex object and a data.frame with analyte and MFI information adds the concentration information to the dataset (concentration, standard error of the concentration and a warning variable). The MFI data will be transformed into log10(MFI). The method utilized is the Delta method of invest function.

Merging variables are defined in the fanalyte and fmi arguments of the function.

If only one standard curve is fitted for several analytes one.curve argument must be specified to TRUE and scluminex must have only one analyte information. The same scluminex information will be used for all analytes of the df data.frame.

If one standard curve is fitted by each analyte one.curve must be FALSE, so the function will merge each model of the scluminex object with the corresponding analyte of the df argument.


Run this code
# Load data and fit models

dat <- mfidata[mfidata$plate=="plate_1" & mfidata$analyte=="FGF",]
sdf <- data_selection(dat, ecdata)$plate_1

igmodels <- scluminex("plate_1",sdf$standard, sdf$background,
            lfct="SSl4", bkg="ignore", fmfi="mfi", verbose=FALSE)

# Data to estimate concentration
concdf <- sdf$positive

# Dilution factor 1
est_conc(igmodels, concdf, fmfi="mfi", dilution = 1)

# Dilution factor 2
est_conc(igmodels, concdf, fmfi="mfi", dilution = 2)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab