## Fitting model with lower limit equal 0
ryegrass.model1 <- drm(rootl ~ conc, data = ryegrass, fct = LL.3())
## Fitting binomial response
## with non-zero control response
## Example dataset from Finney (1971) - example 19
logdose <- c(2.17, 2,1.68,1.08,-Inf,1.79,1.66,1.49,1.17,0.57)
n <- c(142,127,128,126,129,125,117,127,51,132)
r <- c(142,126,115,58,21,125,115,114,40,37)
treatment <- factor(c("w213","w213","w213","w213",
# Note that the control is included in one of the two treatment groups
finney.ex19 <- data.frame(logdose, n, r, treatment)
## Fitting model where the lower limit is estimated
fe19.model1 <- drm(r/n~logdose, treatment, weights = n, data = finney.ex19,
logDose = 10, fct = LL.3u(), type="binomial",
pmodels = data.frame(treatment, 1, treatment))
plot(fe19.model1, ylim = c(0, 1.1), bp = -1, broken = TRUE, legendPos = c(0, 1))
abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
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