M.bahia.m1 <- drm(dryweight~conc, data=M.bahia, fct=LN.3())
## Variation increasing
plot(fitted(M.bahia.m1), residuals(M.bahia.m1))
## Using transform-both-sides approach
M.bahia.m2 <- boxcox(M.bahia.m1, method = "anova")
summary(M.bahia.m2) # logarithm transformation
## Variation roughly constant, but still not a great fit
plot(fitted(M.bahia.m2), residuals(M.bahia.m2))
## Visual comparison of fits
plot(M.bahia.m1, type="all", broken=TRUE)
plot(M.bahia.m2, add=TRUE, type="none", broken=TRUE, lty=2)
ED(M.bahia.m2, c(10,20,50), ci="fls")
## A better fit
M.bahia.m3 <- boxcox(update(M.bahia.m1, fct = LN.4()), method = "anova")
#plot(fitted(M.bahia.m3), residuals(M.bahia.m3))
plot(M.bahia.m3, add=TRUE, type="none", broken=TRUE, lty=3, col=2)
ED(M.bahia.m3, c(10,20,50), ci="fls")
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