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ds4psy (version 0.7.0)

diff_times: Get the difference between two times (in human units).


diff_times computes the difference between two times (i.e., from some from_time to some to_time) in human measurement units (periods).


diff_times(from_time, to_time = Sys.time(), unit = "days", as_character = TRUE)



From time (required, scalar or vector, as "POSIXct"). Origin time, assumed to be of class "POSIXct", and coerced into "POSIXct" when of class "Date" or "POSIXlt.


To time (optional, scalar or vector, as "POSIXct"). Default: to_time = Sys.time(). Maximum time, assumed to be of class "POSIXct", and coerced into "POSIXct" when of class "Date" or "POSIXlt".


Largest measurement unit for representing results. Units represent human time periods, rather than chronological time differences. Default: unit = "days" for completed days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Options available:

  1. unit = "years": completed years, months, and days (default)

  2. unit = "months": completed months, and days

  3. unit = "days": completed days

  4. unit = "hours": completed hours

  5. unit = "minutes": completed minutes

  6. unit = "seconds": completed seconds

Units may be abbreviated.


Boolean: Return output as character? Default: as_character = TRUE. If as_character = FALSE, results are returned as columns of a data frame and include from_date and to_date.


A character vector or data frame (with times, sign, and numeric columns for units).


diff_times answers questions like "How much time has elapsed between two dates?" or "How old are you?" in human time periods of (full) years, months, and days.

Key characteristics:

  • If to_time or from_time are not "POSIXct" objects, diff_times aims to coerce them into "POSIXct" objects.

  • If to_time is missing (i.e., NA), to_time is set to the current time (i.e., Sys.time()).

  • If to_time is specified, any intermittent missing values (i.e., NA) are set to the current time (i.e., Sys.time()).

  • If to_time precedes from_time (i.e., from_time > to_time) computations are performed on swapped times and the result is marked as negative (by a character "-") in the output.

  • If the lengths of from_time and to_time differ, the shorter vector is recycled to the length of the longer one.

By default, diff_times provides output as (signed) character strings. For numeric outputs, use as_character = FALSE.

See Also

diff_dates for date differences; time spans (an interval as.period) in the lubridate package.

Other date and time functions: change_time(), change_tz(), cur_date(), cur_time(), days_in_month(), diff_dates(), diff_tz(), is_leap_year(), what_date(), what_month(), what_time(), what_wday(), what_week(), what_year()


Run this code
t1 <- as.POSIXct("1969-07-13 13:53 CET")  # (before UNIX epoch)
diff_times(t1, unit = "years", as_character = TRUE)
diff_times(t1, unit = "secs", as_character = TRUE)

# }

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