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setTreeBlocks: The block tree


Create a block tree with positioning the vertices in to blocks.


setTreeBlocks(block.tree, vertices, root.label = "", N = 3, delta = ifelse(overlaying, 1, 0), Delta = ifelse(overlaying, 0, 1.5), d = 5, f = 1/4, blockColors = NULL, overlaying = FALSE)


A structure with the blocks in a block.tree. See below.
The list of vertices, each containing the class dg.Vertex. Returned with positions set in the interval of the blocks.
A text string with the root.label of the root block.
Integer, N is the number of coordinates of the vertices and block corners.
Numeric. Decrement of block size for nested blocks, and space between blocks when overlaying is TRUE. The decrement is delta divided by 100, times the the size of the window canvas, width or height.
Numeric. Decrement of block size for nested blocks, and space between blocks when overlaying is FALSE. The decrement is Delta divided by 100, times the the size of the window canvas, width or height.
Numeric. If not d is given in block.tree, see below: The heading bar (with the label) has a height of (d + 2) divided by 100, times height of the window canvas.
Numeric. If not f or g is given in block.tree, see below: The the vertices of the block are placed in an array with a height (width if horizontal is set to FALSE) of f divided by 100, times height (width) of the block. Thus this size is relative to the block size.
Vector of text string with the blockColors of the blocks.
Logical. If overlaying is set to FALSE then children blocks of a block are not drawn inside the block.


A list with components
A tree of blocks, each of class dg.Block.
The list of vertices, with the positions updated such the vertices has positions within the blocks.


A recursive definition: Block.tree is a list with the vertices of the "current" blocks, some parameters for controlling the layout, and possible some block.trees:

  • ...\$Vertices The vertices of the block.
  • ...\$label A text string for the label of the block. Will overwrite "block-name" and root.label.
  • ...\$d Numeric. The heading bar (with the label) has a height of (d + 2) divided by 100, times the height of the window canvas.
  • ...\$g Numeric. The vertices of the block are placed in an array with a height (width if horizontal is set to FALSE) of g divided by 100, times the height (width) of the window canvas. Thus this size will not decrease with the block size.
  • ...\$f Numeric. If not g is given: The the vertices of the block are placed in an array with a height (width if horizontal is set to FALSE) of f divided by 100, times the height (width) of the block. Thus this size is relative to the block size.
  • ...\$G Numeric. (If the height of the block is 100 we are now left with 100 - 2 * delta - d - 2 - g for the blocks. ) The sub blocks (apart from common.children) then have a of height (width, if horizontal is set to FALSE) of G divided by 100, times the height (width) of the window canvas. Thus the sub block size will not decrease with the block size. (If the height of the block is 100 we are now left with 100 - 2 * delta - d - 2 - g - G for the common.children. )
  • ...\$F Numeric. If not G is given: The proportion G of the remaining space are used for sub blocks (apart from common.children) and the proportion G of the space for blocks are used for common.children.
  • ...\$horizontal Logical. If horizontal is set to TRUE, then the sub blocks, but common.children, are placed side by side, else the blocks are placed vertically.
  • ...\$closed Logical. If closed is set to TRUE, then the block is initially drawn "closed", and the vertices and sub blocks of the block are not visible.
  • ...\$vertices.last Logical. If vertices.last then the vertices of the block are placed after the sub blocks.
  • ...\$"block-name"= list(...) Repeated zero, one or more times for sub blocks. "block-name" is the label of the block, and list(...) is a Block.tree.
  • ...\$common.children= list(...) Omitted, or a list with common children of the other sub blocks of the block. The list is again a Block.tree.


Run this code
# Example 1:

Block.tree <- list(label = "W", Vertices = c("country"),
                   X = list(Vertices = c("race", "sex"),
                            A = list(Vertices = c("hair", "eye"),
                                     horizontal = FALSE),
                            B = list(Vertices = c("education"),
                                     C = list(Vertices = c("age")))))
V.Names <- unlist(Block.tree)
vertices <- returnVertexList(V.Names[grep("Vertices", names(V.Names))])
blocktree <- setTreeBlocks(Block.tree, vertices)


vertexStrata <- Strata(blocktree$Vertices)
vertexNames <- Names(blocktree$Vertices)
names(vertexNames) <- NULL

# Indices of the vertices in blocks:

indicesInBlock <- vector("list", max(vertexStrata))
for (i in seq(along = vertexStrata))
  indicesInBlock[[vertexStrata[i]]] <- 
    append(indicesInBlock[[vertexStrata[i]]], i) 

# Names of the vertices in blocks:

vertexNamesInblock <- vector("list", max(vertexStrata))
for (i in seq(along = vertexStrata))
  vertexNamesInblock[[vertexStrata[i]]] <- 
    append(vertexNamesInblock[[vertexStrata[i]]], vertexNames[i]) 

# A useful function, replace "k" (block index k) 
# in block "i" by "x[k]", the content "x[k]" of block "k":

f <- function(A, x) {
  result <- vector("list", length(A))
  names(result) <- names(A)
  for (i in seq(along = A))
    if ((length(A[[i]]) > 0) && (A[[i]] != 0))
      for (k in A[[i]])
        result[[i]] <- append(result[[i]], x[k])

# For each block, names of vertices in ancestor blocks:

vertexAncOfBlock <- f(NodeAncestors(blockTreeToList(blocktree$BlockTree)), 

for (i in seq(along = vertexAncOfBlock))
  if (length(vertexAncOfBlock[[i]]) > 0)
    vertexAncOfBlock[[i]] <- unlist(vertexAncOfBlock[[i]])

# For each block, names of vertices in descendant blocks:

vertexDesOfBlock <- f(NodeDescendants(blockTreeToList(blocktree$BlockTree)),

for (i in seq(along = vertexDesOfBlock))
  if (length(vertexDesOfBlock[[i]]) > 0)
    vertexDesOfBlock[[i]] <- unlist(vertexDesOfBlock[[i]])

# Example 2:

Block.tree <-
  list(g = 0, G = 54, label = "Pedegree.G",
       Male.Side = 
       list(g = 0, G = 33,
            Father = 
            list(g = 0, G = 12,
                 P.G.Father = list(Vertices = c("P.G.Father.1")),
                 P.G.Mother = list(Vertices = c("P.G.Mother.1")),
                 common.children = list(g = 0, label = "Father.1",
                                        Vertices = c("Father.1"))),
            Mother = 
            list(g = 0, G = 12,
                 M.G.Father = list(Vertices = c("M.G.Father.1")),
                 M.G.Mother = list(Vertices = c("M.G.Mother.1")),
                 common.children = list(g = 0, label = "Mother.1",
                                        Vertices = c("Mother.1"))),
            common.children = list(g = 2, Vertices = c("Male"))),
  Female.Side = list(g = 0, G = 12,
    P.G.Father = list(Vertices = c("P.G.Father.2")),
    P.G.Mother = list(Vertices = c("P.G.Mother.2")),
    M.G.Father = list(Vertices = c("M.G.Father.2")),
    M.G.Mother = list(Vertices = c("M.G.Mother.2")),
    common.children = list(g = 0, G = 12, label = "Female",
      Father = list(Vertices = c("Father.2")),
      Mother = list(Vertices = c("Mother.2")),
      common.children = list(g = 2, Vertices = c("Female")))),
  common.children = list(Vertices = c("Marriage"), g = 3, label = "Children",
    Son = list(Vertices = c("Son"), g = 3, 
       P.G.Son = list(Vertices = c("P.G.Son"), g = 2),
       P.G.Dat = list(Vertices = c("P.G.Dat"), g = 1)),
    Dat = list(Vertices = c("Dat"), g = 2,
       M.G.Son = list(Vertices = c("M.G.Son")),
       M.G.Dat = list(Vertices = c("M.G.Dat")))

v <- unlist(Block.tree)
V.Names <- v[grep("Vertices", names(v))]

FromTo <- matrix(c("P.G.Father.1", "Father.1", "P.G.Father.2", "Father.2", 
                   "P.G.Mother.1", "Father.1", "P.G.Mother.2", "Father.2", 
                   "M.G.Father.1", "Mother.1", "M.G.Father.2", "Mother.2", 
                   "M.G.Mother.1", "Mother.1", "M.G.Mother.2", "Mother.2", 
                   "Father.1",     "Male",     "Father.2",     "Female",   
                   "Mother.1",     "Male",     "Mother.2",     "Female",   
                   "Male",         "Marriage", "Female",       "Marriage",
                   "Marriage",     "Son",      "Marriage",     "Dat",
                   "Son",          "P.G.Son",  "Dat",          "M.G.Son", 
                   "Son",          "P.G.Dat",  "Dat",          "M.G.Dat"), 
                   byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)

From <- match(FromTo[,1], V.Names)
To   <- match(FromTo[,2], V.Names)

V.Types <- rep("Discrete", length(V.Names))

Object <- NULL

graph <- new("dg.simple.graph", vertex.names = V.Names, types = V.Types,
             from = From, to = To, block.tree = Block.tree)

W <- dg(graph,
        control = dg.control(width = 600, height = 600, 
                             drawblocks = TRUE, drawBlockFrame = TRUE, 
                             overlaying = TRUE, title = "Pedegree.G"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab