# Example showcasing the application from Lund and Hansen (2018).
############################### data
############################### constants
Nx <- dim(V)[1]
Ny <- dim(V)[2]
Nt <- dim(V)[3]
L <- 50 #lag length in steps
Lp1 <- L + 1 #number of lag time points (= initial points)
t0 <- 0
M <- Nt - Lp1 #number of modelled time points
sl <- floor(200 / 0.6136) - 0 + 1 #stim start counted from -tau
sr <- sl + floor(250 / 0.6136) #stim end counted from -tau
##no. of basis func.
px <- 8
py <- 8
pl <- max(ceiling(Lp1 / 5), 4)
pt <- max(ceiling((Nt - sl) / 25), 4)
degx <- 2
degy <- 2
degl <- 3
degt <- 3
############################### basis functions
phix <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = 1:Nx, xl = 1, xr = Nx, ndx = px - degx, deg = degx), 10)
phiy <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = 1:Ny, xl = 1, xr = Ny, ndx = py - degy, deg = degy), 10)
phil <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = -tau:(t0 - 1), xl = -tau, xr = (t0 - 1),
ndx = pl - degl, deg = degl), 10)
phit <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = sl:Nt, xl = sl, xr = Nt, ndx = pt - degt, deg = degt), 10)
phit <- rbind(matrix(0, (sl - 1) - Lp1, dim(phit)[2]), phit)
############################### penalty weights
wt <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1)
penSlist <- list(matrix(1, px, py), matrix(1 / wt, dim(phit)[2], 1))
penF <- array(1, c(px, py, px * py * pl))
penH <- matrix(1, px, py)
penaltyfactor <- list(penSlist, penF, penH)
############################### run algorithm
system.time({Fit <- fitmodel(V,
phix, phiy, phil, phit,
nlambda = 10,
lambdaminratio = 10^-1,
reltolinner = 10^-4,
reltola = 10^-4,
maxalt = 10)})
############################### get one fit
modelno <- 6
fit <- Fit[[1]]
A <- array(fit$BetaS[, modelno], c(px, py, pt))
B <- array(fit$BetaF[, modelno], c(px, py, px * py * pl))
C <- array(fit$BetaH[, modelno], c(px, py))
shat <- RH(phit, RH(phiy, RH(phix, A)))
beta <- array(B, c(px, py, px, py, pl))
what <- RH(phil, RH(phiy, RH(phix, RH(phiy, RH(phix, beta)))))
############################### compute summary network quantities
wbar <- apply(abs(what), c(1, 2, 3, 4), sum)
win <- apply(wbar, c(1, 2), sum)
wout <- apply(wbar, c(3, 4), sum)
indeg <- apply((what != 0), c(1, 2), sum)
outdeg <- apply((what != 0), c(3, 4), sum)
winnorm <- ifelse(indeg > 0, win / indeg, win)
woutnorm <- ifelse(outdeg > 0, wout / outdeg, wout)
############################### plot summary network quantities
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0 ,1, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0))
image(winnorm, main = paste("Time aggregated in effects"), axes = FALSE)
image(woutnorm, main = paste("Time aggregated out effects"), axes = FALSE)
timepoint <- which(shat[9, 9, ] == min(shat[9, 9, ]))
image(shat[,, timepoint], axes = FALSE, main = "Stimulus function")
plot(shat[1, 1, ], ylim = range(shat), type="l", main = "Stimulus function")
for(i in 1:Nx){for(j in 1:Ny){lines(shat[i, j, ])}}
abline(v = sl - Lp1, lty = 2)
abline(v = sr - Lp1, lty = 2)
# }
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