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dynamo (version 1.0)

fitmodel: Sparse Estimation of Dynamical Array Models


An implementation of the method proposed in Lund and Hansen, 2018 for fitting 3-dimensional dynamical array models. The implementation is based on the glamlasso package, see Lund et. al, 2017, for efficient design matrix free lasso regularized estimation in a generalized linear array model. The implementation uses a block relaxation scheme to fit each individual component in the model using functions from the glamlasso package.


         phix, phiy, phil, phit,
         nlambda = 15,
         lambdaminratio = 0.0001,
         reltolinner = 10^-4,
         reltola = 10^-4,
         maxalt = 10)



is the \(N_x\times Ny\times Nt\times G\) array containing the data


is a \(N_x\times px\) matrix containing spatial basis functions


is a \(N_y\times py\) matrix containing spatial basis functions


is a \(Lp1\times pl\) matrix containing temporal basis functions


is a \(Nt\times pt\) matrix containing temporal basis functions


An array of size \(p_1 \times \cdots \times p_d\). Is multiplied with each element in lambda to allow differential shrinkage on the coefficients.


the number of lambda values to fit


the smallest value for lambda, given as a fraction of


the convergence tolerance used with glamlasso


the convergence tolerance used for the alternation loop


maximum nuber of alternations


An object with S3 Class "dynamo".


A list where the first G items are the individual fits to the trials containing:


The \(N_x\times N_y \times N_t\) data array for trial \(g\).


a \(M\times p_xp_yp_l\) matrix, the convolution tensor.


\(p_xp_yp_t\times\)nlambda matrix containing the estimated parameters for the stimulus component for each \(\lambda\) value


\(p_xp_yp_xp_yp_l\times\)nlambda matrix containing the estimated parameters for the filter component for each \(\lambda\) value


\(p_xp_y\times\)nlambda matrix containing the estimated parameters for the instantaneous memory component for each \(\lambda\) value


vector of length nlambda containing the penalty parameters.


maxalt\(\times\)nlambda matrix containing the obective values for each alternation and each \(\lambda\)


is a \(N_x\times p_x\) matrix containing the basis functions over the spatial \(x\) domain.


is a \(N_y\times p_y\) matrix containing the basis functions over the spatial \(y\) domain.


is a \(L+1\times p_l\) matrix containing the basis functions over the temporal domain for the delay.


is a \(M\times p_t\) matrix containing the basis functions over the temporal domain for the stimulus.


This package contains an implementation of the method proposed in Lund and Hansen, 2018 for fitting a (partial) 3-dimensional 3-component dynamical array model to a \(N_x\times N_y \times N_t \times G\) data array \(V\), where \(N_x,N_y,N_t, G\in \{1,2,\ldots\}\). Note that \(N_x, N_y, N_t\) gives the number of observations in the two spatial dimensions and the temporal dimension respectively and \(G\) gives the number of trials. Let \(L\) be positive integer giving the length of the modelled delay, \(M:=N_t - L - 1\) and \(\phi^{i}\) be a \(N_i\times p_i\) matrix for \(i\in \{x,y,l\}\). Then define a \(M\times p_xp_yp_l\) matrix $$\Phi^{xyt}_{g} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} vec(\Phi^{xyl}_{1,g}) \\ \vdots \\ vec(\Phi^{xyl}_{M,g}) \end{array} \right), $$ for each \(g\in \{1,\ldots,G\}\). Here using the so called rotated \(H\)-transform \(\rho\) from Currie et al., 2006, \(\Phi^{xyt}_{k, g}\) is a \(p_x\times p_y\times p_l\) array that, for each \(k\in \{1,\ldots,M\}\), can be computed as $$\Phi^{xyl}_{k, g} := \rho((\phi^l)^\top, \rho((\phi^y)^\top, \rho((\phi^x)^\top, V_{,,(k - L):(k - 1), g}))).$$ Then we can write the model equation as for each trial \(g\) as $$V_{,,(L + 1):N_t, g} = vec(\rho(\phi^{t}, \rho(\phi^{y}, \rho(\phi^{x}, A))) + \rho(\Phi^{xyt}, \rho(\phi^{y}, \rho(\phi^{x}, B))) + V_{,,-1:(M - 1), g} \odot C + E$$ where \(A\) and \(B\) are resp. \(p_x\times p_y \times p_t\) and \(p_x\times p_y \times p_xp_yp_l\) coefficient arrays that are estimated and \(C\) is a \(N_x\times N_y\times M\) array containing \(M\) copies of the \(N_x\times N_y\) matrix \(\rho(\phi^{y}, \rho(\phi^{x}, \Gamma))\), where \(\Gamma\) is a \(p_x\times p_y\) coefficient matrix that is estimated. Finally \(E\) is a \(N_x\times N_y\times M\) array with Gaussian noise. See Lund and Hansen, 2018 for more details.


Lund, A. and N. R. Hansen (2018). Sparse Network Estimation for Dynamical Spatio-temporal Array Models. In preparation, url = https://.

Lund, A., M. Vincent, and N. R. Hansen (2017). Penalized estimation in large-scale generalized linear array models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26, 3, 709-724. url = https://doi.org/10.1080/10618600.2017.1279548.

Currie, I. D., M. Durban, and P. H. C. Eilers (2006). Generalized linear array models with applications to multidimensional smoothing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. 68, 259-280. url = http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9868.2006.00543.x.


Run this code
# Example showcasing the application from Lund and Hansen (2018).
############################### data  
############################### constants 
Nx <- dim(V)[1]
Ny <- dim(V)[2]
Nt <- dim(V)[3]
L <- 50          #lag length in steps
Lp1 <- L + 1     #number of lag time points (= initial points)
t0 <- 0
M <- Nt - Lp1      #number of modelled time points
sl <- floor(200 / 0.6136) - 0 + 1   #stim start counted from -tau
sr <- sl + floor(250 / 0.6136)  #stim end counted from -tau
##no. of basis func.
px <- 8
py <- 8
pl <- max(ceiling(Lp1 / 5), 4)
pt <- max(ceiling((Nt - sl) / 25), 4)
degx <- 2
degy <- 2
degl <- 3
degt <- 3
############################### basis functions
phix <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = 1:Nx, xl = 1, xr = Nx, ndx = px - degx, deg = degx), 10)
phiy <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = 1:Ny, xl = 1, xr = Ny, ndx = py - degy, deg = degy), 10)
phil <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = -tau:(t0 - 1), xl = -tau, xr = (t0 - 1), 
ndx = pl - degl, deg = degl), 10)
phit <- round(MortSmooth_bbase(x = sl:Nt, xl = sl, xr = Nt, ndx = pt - degt, deg = degt), 10)
phit <- rbind(matrix(0,  (sl - 1) - Lp1, dim(phit)[2]), phit)
############################### penalty weights  
wt <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1)
penSlist <- list(matrix(1,  px,  py), matrix(1 / wt, dim(phit)[2], 1))
penF <- array(1, c(px, py, px * py * pl))
penH <- matrix(1, px, py)
penaltyfactor <- list(penSlist, penF, penH)
############################### run algorithm
system.time({Fit <- fitmodel(V,
                             phix, phiy, phil, phit,
                             nlambda = 10,
                             lambdaminratio = 10^-1,
                             reltolinner = 10^-4,
                             reltola = 10^-4,
                             maxalt = 10)})
###############################  get one fit
modelno <- 6
fit <- Fit[[1]]
A <- array(fit$BetaS[, modelno], c(px, py, pt))
B <- array(fit$BetaF[, modelno], c(px, py, px * py * pl))
C <- array(fit$BetaH[, modelno], c(px, py))
shat <- RH(phit, RH(phiy, RH(phix, A)))
beta <- array(B, c(px, py, px, py, pl))
what <- RH(phil, RH(phiy, RH(phix, RH(phiy, RH(phix, beta)))))
############################### compute summary network quantities
wbar <- apply(abs(what), c(1, 2, 3, 4), sum)
win <- apply(wbar, c(1, 2), sum)  
wout <- apply(wbar, c(3, 4), sum) 
indeg <- apply((what != 0), c(1, 2), sum)
outdeg <- apply((what != 0), c(3, 4), sum)
winnorm <- ifelse(indeg > 0, win / indeg, win)
woutnorm <- ifelse(outdeg > 0, wout / outdeg, wout)
############################### plot summary network quantities
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0 ,1, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0))
image(winnorm, main = paste("Time aggregated in effects"), axes = FALSE)
image(woutnorm, main = paste("Time aggregated out effects"), axes = FALSE)
timepoint <- which(shat[9, 9, ] == min(shat[9, 9, ]))
image(shat[,, timepoint], axes = FALSE, main = "Stimulus function")
plot(shat[1, 1, ], ylim = range(shat), type="l", main = "Stimulus function")
for(i in 1:Nx){for(j in 1:Ny){lines(shat[i, j, ])}}
abline(v = sl - Lp1, lty = 2)
abline(v = sr - Lp1, lty = 2)
# }

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