Project the waypoints
edge_positions = NULL,
waypoints = dynwrap::select_waypoints(trajectory),
trajectory_projection_sd = sum(trajectory$milestone_network$length) * 0.05,
color_trajectory = "none"
A dynwrap trajectory.
The positions of the cells in 2D. Must be a tibble with character column cell_id
and numeric columns comp_1
and comp_2
The positions of the edges.
The waypoints to use for projecting. Can by generated using dynwrap::select_waypoints()
The standard deviation of the gaussian kernel.
How to color the trajectory, can be "nearest" for coloring to nearest cell, or "none".
A named list containing items:
segments: A tibble containing columns comp_1
(numeric), comp_2
(numeric), waypoint_id
(character), milestone_id
(character), from
(character), to
(numeric), group
(factor), and arrow