Fwindow: Calculate dynamic "death within window" curve
Calculate dynamic "death within window" curve, in other words, one minus
fixed width conditional survival curves, defined as P(T<=t+w|t>t), for a
fixed window width w.
Boolean (default=TRUE); should pointwise confidence
interval of the probabilities be calculated?
The confidence level, between 0 and 1 (default=0.95)
A data frame with columns
The time points t at which
Fw(t) changes value (either t or t+width is an event time point)
The Fw(t) function
Lower end of confidence interval
Upper end of confidence interval
and with attribute
"width" as given as input.
"Die within window function" with window w, Fw(t) = P(T<=t+w|t>t), evaluated
at all time points t where the estimate changes value, and associated
pointwise confidence intervals (if variance=TRUE).
Both estimate and pointwise lower and upper confidence intervals are based
on the negative exponential of the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the cumulative
hazard, so P(T<=t+w|t>t) is estimated as exp(- int_t^t+w hatH_NA(s) ds),
with hatH_NA the non-parametric Nelson-Aalen estimate.=t+w|t>
Note: in object, no event time points at or below zero allowed
van Houwelingen HC, Putter H (2012). Dynamic Prediction in
Clinical Survival Analysis. Chapman & Hall.