The data given by x
is clustered by the fuzzy c-shell algorithm.
If centers
is a matrix, its rows are taken as the initial cluster
centers. If centers
is an integer, centers
of x
are randomly chosen as initial values.
The algorithm stops when the maximum number of iterations (given by
) is reached.
If verbose
, it displays for each iteration the number
the value of the objective function.
If dist
is "euclidean"
, the distance between the
cluster center and the data points is the Euclidean distance (ordinary
kmeans algorithm). If "manhattan"
, the distance between the
cluster center and the data points is the sum of the absolute values
of the distances of the coordinates.
If method
is "cshell"
, then we have the c-shell
fuzzy clustering method.
The parameters m
defines the degree of fuzzification. It is
defined for real values greater than 1 and the bigger it is the more
fuzzy the membership values of the clustered data points are.
The parameter radius
is by default set to 0.2 for every