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earth (version 5.3.4)

ozone1: Ozone readings in Los Angeles with incomplete cases removed


Ozone readings in Los Angeles, with incomplete cases removed.



A data frame with 330 observations on 10 variables.

O3daily maximum of the hourly average ozone concentrations in Upland, CA
vh500 millibar pressure height, measured at the Vandenberg air force base
windwind speed in mph at LAX airport
humidityhumidity in percent at LAX
tempSandburg Air Force Base temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
ibhtemperature inversion base height in feet
dpgpressure gradient from LAX to Daggert in mm Hg
ibtinversion base temperature at LAX in degrees Fahrenheit
visvisibility at LAX in miles
doyday of the year


Faraway (2005) Extending the Linear Model with R https://www.maths.bath.ac.uk/~jjf23

Hastie and Tibshirani (1990) Generalized Additive Models https://hastie.su.domains/pub.htm

See Also


airquality a different set of ozone data