easyRNASeq-datasets: Dataset included in the package
The package contains a dataset from the Robinson, Delhomme et al., 2014
{a normalised expression count table. This dataset was
generated from 17 Populus tremula - Eurasian
aspen - trees used to assess the sexual dimorphism of this dioecious species. This
count matrix has been generating following published pre-processing
guidelines - see http://www.epigenesys.eu/en/protocols/bio-informatics/1283-guidelines-for-rna-seq-data-analysis -
and the resulting HTSeq files have been collated and the obtained raw count
matrix submitted to a variance stabilising transformation. Subsequently, the
values have been transformed so that the minimal vst values - that
corresponds to an absence of expression - is 0. Hence the counts in the
matrix are library-size normalized, variance stabilised expression values,
with a minimal value of 0.}