#Loading species occurence data and remove empty communities
testData <- ecospat.testData[,c(24,34,43,45,48,53,55:58,60:63,65:66,68:71)]
sp.data <- testData[which(rowSums(testData)>0), sort(colnames(testData))]
#Loading environmental data
env.data <- ecospat.testData[which(rowSums(testData)>0),4:8]
#Coordinates for all sites
xy <- ecospat.testData[which(rowSums(testData)>0),2:3]
#Running all the models for all species
myCCV.Models <- ecospat.CCV.modeling(sp.data = sp.data,
env.data = env.data,
xy = xy,
NbRunEval = 5,
minNbPredictors = 10,
VarImport = 3)
#Thresholding all the predictions and calculating the community evaluation metrics
myCCV.communityEvaluation.bin <- ecospat.CCV.communityEvaluation.bin(
ccv.modeling.data = myCCV.Models,
thresholds = c('MAX.KAPPA', 'MAX.ROC','PS_SDM'),
community.metrics= c('SR.deviation','Sorensen'),
parallel = FALSE,
cpus = 4)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab