The function uses the output of ecospat.CCV.modeling
to calculate a range of community evaluation metrics based on a selection of thresholding techniques both for the calibration data and independent evaluation data.
thresholds= c('MAX.KAPPA', 'MAX.ROC','PS_SDM'),
a matrix with TRUE/FALSE
for each model run (TRUE
=Calibration point, FALSE
=Evaluation point)
a 4-dimensional array containing the community evaluation metrics for the calibartion sites of each run (NA
means that the site was used for evaluation)
a 4-dimensional array containing the community evaluation metrics for the evaluation sites of each run (NA
means that the site was used for calibaration)
a 4-dimensional array of the binary prediction for all sites and runs under the different thresholding appraoches.
a ''
object returned by ecospat.CCV.modeling
) to be calculated and applied for the model evaluation.
a selection of community evaluation metrics ('SR.deviation', 'community.AUC', 'community.overprediction' ,'community.underprediction',' community.accuracy', 'community.sensitivity', 'community.specificity', 'community.kappa', 'community.tss', 'Sorensen', 'Jaccard', 'Simpson'
) to be calculated for each seleted thresholding technique.
should parallel computing be allowed (TRUE/FALSE
number of cpus to use in parallel computing
fixed threshold to be used. Only gets used if thresholding technique FIXED
is selected.
maximum omission error (%) allowed for the thresholding. Only gets used if thresholding technique MCE
is selected.
a vetor with the species richness prediction of a MEM for each site. Only needed if MEM
is selected.
Daniel Scherrer <>
The function uses the probability output of the ecospat.CCV.modeling
function and creates binary maps based on the selected thresholding methods. These binary maps are then used to calculate the selected community evaluation metrics both for the calibration and evaluation data of each modeling run.
Scherrer, D., D'Amen, M., Mateo, M.R.G., Fernandes, R.F. & Guisan , A. (2018) How to best threshold and validate stacked species assemblages? Community optimisation might hold the answer. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, in review
; ecospat.CCV.createDataSplitTable
; ecospat.CCV.communityEvaluation.prob