# \donttest{
sp1 <- ecospat.testData[ecospat.testData$Bromus_erectus == 1, 1:8] # species occurences
clim <- ecospat.testData[4:8] # environment of the study area
#################################### PCA-ENVIRONMENT ##################################
pca.cal <- ade4::dudi.pca(clim, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
####### projection of the species distribution into the environmental space ######
# predict the scores on the axes
scores.clim <- pca.cal$li # scores for global climate
scores.sp1 <- ade4::suprow(pca.cal, sp1[, 4:8])$li # scores for sp1
z1 <- ecospat.grid.clim.dyn(scores.clim, scores.clim, scores.sp1, R = 100,
extend.extent = c(0, 1, 0, 0))
####### estimate the margin ######
z1.margin <- ecospat.margin(z1, th.quant = 0, bootstrap = FALSE) # including all occurrences
z1.95margin <- ecospat.margin(z1, th.quant = 0.05,
bootstrap = FALSE) # including 95 percent of the occurrences
z1.bootstrap.margin <- ecospat.margin(z1,th.quant = 0,
bootstrap = TRUE, bootstrap.rep = 100) # bootstrap estimation of the niche limit
####### plot the margin and its uncertainty ######
plot(z1.margin$niche.density) # plot of the niche density
points(z1$sp) # with species occurences
lines(z1.margin$niche.contour) # limit of the margin if you include all the distribution
lines(z1.95margin$niche.contour, col = 2) # limit of the margin if you exclude the
# 5 percents of the most marginal distribution
lines(z1.bootstrap.margin$niche.contour, col = 2, lty = "dotted")
# limit of the niche based on the 95 percent CI of the bootstrap
plot(z1.bootstrap.margin$niche.envelope, main = "Margin uncertainty",
legend.args=list(text="CI", cex = 0.8)) # shows uncertainty of niche margin in SpatRaster mode
points(z1$sp) # with species occurences
# shows the uncertainty of the niche limit in vector mode
plot(boot, col = gray(10:1 / 10), main = "Margin uncertainty")
# select a customized confidence interval (here for example 80 percent)
confInt80 <- terra::as.polygons(z1.bootstrap.margin$niche.envelope >= 50, dissolve = TRUE)
lines(confInt80, lty = "dotted", col = 2)
# }
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