condLogLikDerSize: Conditional Log-Likelihood of the Dispersion for a Single Group of Replicate Libraries
Derivatives of the negative-binomial log-likelihood with respect to the dispersion parameter for each gene, conditional on the mean count, for a single group of replicate libraries of the same size.
matrix of counts, all counts in each row having the same population mean
numeric vector or scalar, size parameter of negative binomial distribution, equal to 1/dispersion
numeric vector or scalar, delta parameter of negative binomial, equal to dispersion/(1+dispersion)
integer specifying derivative required, either 0 (the function), 1 (first derivative) or 2 (second derivative)
r or delta
The library sizes must be equalized before running this function. This function carries out the actual mathematical computations for the conditional log-likelihood and its derivatives, calculating the conditional log-likelihood for each gene.
Derivatives are with respect to either the size (r) or the delta parametrization (delta) of the dispersion.