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editrules (version 2.9.5)

disjunct: Decouple a set of conditional edits


An editset is transformed to a list of editsets which do not contain any conditional numeric/categorical edits anymore. Each editset gains an attribute condition, which holds the series of assumptions made to decouple the original edits. This attribute will be printed when not NULL. Warning: this may be slow for large, highly entangled sets of edits.


disjunct(E, type = c("list", "env"))


An object of class editlist (editenv), which is nothing more than a list (environment) of

editsets with a class attribute. Each element has an attribute 'condition' showing which conditions were assumed to derive the editset.



Object of class editset


Return type: list (default) for editlist, env for editenv.

See Also

separate, condition, blocks


Run this code

E <- editset(expression(
    x + y == z,
    if ( x > 0 ) y > 0,
    x >= 0,
    y >= 0,
    z >= 0,
    A %in% letters[1:4],
    B %in% letters[1:4],
    if (A %in% c('a','b')) y > 0,
    if (A == 'c' ) B %in% letters[1:3]


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