# The following is an example by Williams (1986). Eliminating all variables
# except z maximizes -4x1 + 5x2 +3x3:
P <- editmatrix(c(
"4*x1 - 5*x2 - 3*x3 + z <= 0",
"-x1 + x2 -x3 <= 2",
"x1 + x2 + 2*x3 <= 3",
"-x1 <= 0",
"-x2 <= 0",
"-x3 <= 0"))
# eliminate 1st variable
(P1 <- eliminate(P, "x1", fancynames=TRUE))
# eliminate 2nd variable. Note that redundant rows have been eliminated
(P2 <- eliminate(P1, "x2", fancynames=TRUE))
# finally, the answer:
(P3 <- eliminate(P2, "x3", fancynames=TRUE))
# check which original edits were used in deriving the new ones
# check how many variables were eliminated
# An example with an equality and two inequalities
# The only thing to do is solving for x in e1 and substitute in e3.
(E <- editmatrix(c(
"2*x + y == 1",
"y > 0",
"x > 0"),normalize=TRUE))
eliminate(E,"x", fancynames=TRUE)
# This example has two equalities, and it's solution
# is the origin (x,y)=(0,0)
(E <- editmatrix(c(
"y <= 1 - x",
"y >= -1 + x",
"x == y",
"y ==-2*x" ),normalize=TRUE))
eliminate(E,"x", fancynames=TRUE)
# this example has no solution, the equalities demand (x,y) = (0,2)
# while the inequalities demand y <= 1
(E <- editmatrix(c(
"y <= 1 - x",
"y >= -1 + x",
"y == 2 - x",
"y == -2 + x" ),normalize=TRUE))
# this happens to result in an obviously unfeasable system:
# for categorical data, elimination amounts to logical derivartions. For
# example
E <- editarray(expression(
age %in% c('under aged','adult'),
positionInHousehold %in% c('marriage partner', 'child', 'other'),
maritalStatus %in% c('unmarried','married','widowed','divorced'),
if (maritalStatus %in% c('married','widowed','divorced') )
positionInHousehold != 'child',
if (maritalStatus == 'unmarried')
positionInHousehold != 'marriage partner' ,
if ( age == 'under aged') maritalStatus == 'unmarried'
# by eliminating 'maritalStatus' we can deduce that under aged persones cannot
# be partner in marriage.
E <- editarray(expression(
age %in% c('under aged','adult'),
positionInHousehold %in% c('marriage partner', 'child', 'other'),
maritalStatus %in% c('unmarried','married','widowed','divorced'),
if (maritalStatus %in% c('married','widowed','divorced') )
positionInHousehold != 'child',
if (maritalStatus == 'unmarried')
positionInHousehold != 'marriage partner' ,
if ( age == 'under aged')
maritalStatus == 'unmarried'
# by eliminating 'maritalStatus' we can deduce that under aged persones cannot
# be partner in marriage.
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