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editrules (version 2.9.5)

eliminate: Eliminate a variable from a set of edit rules


Eliminating a variable amounts to deriving all (non-redundant) edits not containing that variable. Geometrically, it can be seen as a projection of the solution space (records obeying all edits) along the eliminated variable's axis. If the solution space is non-concex (as is the usually case when conditional edits are involved), multiple projections of convex subregions are performed.


eliminate(E, var, ...)

# S3 method for editmatrix eliminate(E, var, ...)

# S3 method for editarray eliminate(E, var, ...)

# S3 method for editset eliminate(E, var, ...)

# S3 method for editlist eliminate(E, var, ...)


If E is an editmatrix or editarray, an object of the same class is returned. A returned editmatrix contains an extra history attribute which is used to reduce the number of generated edits in consecutive eliminations (see getH). If E is an editset, an object of class editlist is returned.



editmatrix or editarray


name of variable to be eliminated


argumemts to be passed to or from other methods


D.A. Kohler (1967) Projections of convex polyhedral sets, Operational Research Center Report , ORC 67-29, University of California, Berkely.

H.P. Williams (1986) Fourier's method of linear programming and its dual, The American Mathematical Monthly 93, 681-695

M.P.J. van der Loo (2012) Variable elimination and edit generation with a flavour of semigroup algebra (submitted).

See Also

substValue, isObviouslyInfeasible, isObviouslyRedundant, generateEdits


Run this code

# The following is an example by Williams (1986). Eliminating all variables
# except z maximizes -4x1 + 5x2 +3x3:
P <- editmatrix(c(
     "4*x1 - 5*x2 - 3*x3 + z <= 0",
     "-x1 + x2 -x3 <= 2",
     "x1 + x2 + 2*x3 <= 3",
     "-x1 <= 0",
     "-x2 <= 0",
     "-x3 <= 0"))
# eliminate 1st variable
(P1 <- eliminate(P, "x1", fancynames=TRUE))
# eliminate 2nd variable. Note that redundant rows have been eliminated
(P2 <- eliminate(P1, "x2", fancynames=TRUE))
# finally, the answer:
(P3 <- eliminate(P2, "x3", fancynames=TRUE))

# check which original edits were used in deriving the new ones

# check how many variables were eliminated

# An  example with an equality and two inequalities
# The only thing to do is solving for x in e1 and substitute in e3.
(E <- editmatrix(c(
    "2*x + y == 1",
    "y > 0",
    "x > 0"),normalize=TRUE))
eliminate(E,"x", fancynames=TRUE)

# This example has two equalities, and it's solution 
# is the origin (x,y)=(0,0)
(E <- editmatrix(c(
    "y <= 1 - x",
    "y >= -1 + x",
    "x == y",
    "y ==-2*x" ),normalize=TRUE))
eliminate(E,"x", fancynames=TRUE)

# this example has no solution, the equalities demand (x,y) = (0,2)
# while the inequalities demand y <= 1
(E <- editmatrix(c(
    "y <= 1 - x",
    "y >= -1 + x",
    "y == 2 - x",
    "y == -2 + x" ),normalize=TRUE))
# this happens to result in an obviously unfeasable system:

# for categorical data, elimination amounts to logical derivartions. For
# example
E <- editarray(expression(
    age %in% c('under aged','adult'),
    positionInHousehold %in% c('marriage partner', 'child', 'other'),
    maritalStatus %in% c('unmarried','married','widowed','divorced'),
    if (maritalStatus %in% c('married','widowed','divorced') ) 
        positionInHousehold != 'child',
    if (maritalStatus == 'unmarried') 
        positionInHousehold != 'marriage partner' ,
    if ( age == 'under aged') maritalStatus == 'unmarried'

# by eliminating 'maritalStatus' we can deduce that under aged persones cannot
# be partner in marriage.

E <- editarray(expression(
    age %in% c('under aged','adult'),
    positionInHousehold %in% c('marriage partner', 'child', 'other'),
    maritalStatus %in% c('unmarried','married','widowed','divorced'),
    if (maritalStatus %in% c('married','widowed','divorced') ) 
        positionInHousehold != 'child',
    if (maritalStatus == 'unmarried') 
        positionInHousehold != 'marriage partner' ,
    if ( age == 'under aged') 
        maritalStatus == 'unmarried'

# by eliminating 'maritalStatus' we can deduce that under aged persones cannot
# be partner in marriage.

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab