A dataset containing first preference vote counts, candidate names, and other results for the House of Representatives from Australian federal elections from 2001 to 2019.
A data frame with the following variables:
For the 2001 election only:
UniqueID: Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census and other election datasets.
StateAb: Abbreviation for state name
DivisionNm: Electoral division name
Surname: Candidate surname
GivenNm: Candidate given name
PartyAb: Abbreviation for political party name
PartyNm: Political party name
Elected: Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)
Percent: Percentage of ordinary votes for the candidate
For the 2004 election onwards:
StateAb: Abbreviation for state name
UniqueID: Numeric identifier that links the electoral division with Census and other election datasets.
DivisionNm: Electoral division name
BallotPosition: Candidate's position on the ballot
CandidateID: Candidate ID
Surname: Candidate surname
GivenNm: Candidate given name
PartyAb: Abbreviation for political party name
PartyNm: Political party name
Elected: Whether the candidate was elected (Y/N)
OrdinaryVotes: Number of ordinary votes cast at the electorate for the candidate
Percent: Percentage of ordinary votes for the candidate