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effects (version 4.2-2)

EffectMethods: Functions For Constructing Effect Displays for Many Modeling Paradigms


The effects package can be used with many different classes of regression models beyond the basic models described in the Effect help page. The effSources function is used to tell an Effect method where to find the information to compute effects. Details are given in the vignette Regression Models Supported by the effects Package. Unless you are trying to extend effects to a different class of regression model, you will have no use for this function.


# S3 method for default

# S3 method for gls effSources(mod)

# S3 method for glmmPQL effSources(mod)

# S3 method for rlmerMod effSources(mod)

# S3 method for clm effSources(mod)

# S3 method for clm2 effSources(mod)

# S3 method for clmm effSources(mod)

# S3 method for betareg effSources(mod)


See the vignette Regression Models Supported by the effects Package.



a fitted model object of the appropriate class. The default method works for many regression models for which there is no specific method.


John Fox jfox@mcmaster.ca, Sanford Weisberg sandy@umn.edu


Effect function methods by default expect regression objects to provide certain quantities, including a model formula, coefficient estimates, and the variance matrix of the estimates, in standard places. effSources methods return a list of the necessary quantities if they are not in standard places.