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effects (version 4.2-2)

effectsTheme: Set the lattice Theme for Effect Plots


Set the lattice theme (see trellis.device) appropriately for effect plots. This function is invoked automatically when the effects package is loaded if the lattice package hasn't previously been loaded. A typical call is lattice::trellis.par.set(effectsTheme()).


effectsTheme(strip.background = list(col = gray(seq(0.95, 0.5, length = 3))), 
          strip.shingle = list(col = "black"), clip = list(strip = "off"), 
          superpose.line = list(lwd = c(2, rep(1, 6))), col)


a list suitable as an argument for trellis.par.set; current values of modified parameters are supplied as an attribute.



colors for the background of conditioning strips at the top of each panel; the default uses shades of gray and makes allowance for up to three conditioning variables.


when lines rather than numeric values are used to indicate the values of conditioning variables, the default sets the color of the lines to black.


the default allows lines showing values of conditioning variables to extend slightly beyond the boundaries of the strips---making the lines more visible at the extremes.


the default sets the line width of the first (of seven) lines to 2.


an optional argument specifying the colors to use for lines and symbolst: if col = "car", then the color palette for the car package is used (see carPalette); col = "R", then the current R palette (ignoring the first entry which is "black" in the standard R palette) is used (see palette); if col = "colorblind", then a colorblind-friendly palette (from https://jfly.uni-koeln.de/color/ but ignoring black) is used; if a vector of color specifications, then these are used. If col isn't specified then the current lattice colors are used.


John Fox jfox@mcmaster.ca

See Also

trellis.device, trellis.par.set


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if (FALSE) {

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