Tunes and estimates MD Bayes algorithm (ei.MD.bayes)
ntunes = 10,
totaldraws = 1e+05,
seed = 12345,
sample = 1e+05,
thin = 100,
burnin = 1e+05,
ret.mcmc = TRUE
Matrix object, of simulation reults
data.frame() object of just raw candidate vote and raw population counts. Put vote results in first set of columns, put population counts next
Numeric vector of length 2 indicating where vote column ends (e.g., 3), and population counts begin (e.g., 4): c(3,4)
Formula object, e.g.: cbind(V1, V2, novote) ~ cbind(VtdAVap_cor, VtdBVap_cor, VtdHVap_cor, VtdOVap_cor)
Numeric; how much to tune tuneMD. Default = 10
Numeric; How many total draws from MD. Default = 100000
Numeric. Default = 12345
Numeric. Default = 100000
Numeric. Default = 10
Numeric. Default = 100000
Logical. Default = TRUE
Loren Collingwood <>
eiPack, King et. al. (