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eiwild (version 0.6.7)

tuneVars: Generate Variance parameters for proposal density


tuneVars generates variance parameters dependent on the acceptance ratio of drawn parameters in the Metropolis algorithm used in indAggEi. The target acceptance rate will be given by parameter accRat


tuneVars(form, aggr, indi = NULL, IDCols = c("ID"), whichPriori = "gamma", prioriPars = list(shape = 4, rate = 2), accRat = c(0.4, 0.6), minProp = 0.7, maxiter = 20, sample = 10000, verbose = 10000, verboseTune = TRUE, improv = NULL, betaVars = NULL, alphaVars = NULL, startValsAlpha = NULL, startValsBeta = NULL, seed = NULL)


formula in this format cbind(column_1,column_2, ...,column_c)~cbind(row_1,row_2,...,row_r))
data.frame with aggregate data. One district per line and one column giving one ID per district. (see Details)
data.frame with individual data. One district per line and one column giving one ID per district. (see Details) If no individual data are present it defaults to NULL
vector of length 2 (or 1) giving the columnnames or numbers of ID column
character string defining the hyperpriori. default="gamma"
vector giving the parameters of the hyperpriori
vector with two elements describing the wished range of the acceptance ratios
numeric between 0 and 1 describing the percentage of parameters to have the wished acceptance ratios (accRat). maxiter will be the maximum iteration
numeric how many times the algorithm should run maximum. If NULL tuning will run until minProp is reached
the sample size to be drawn each tuning run.
an integer specifying whether the progress of the sampler is printed to the screen (defaults to 0). If verbose is greater than 0, the iteration number is printed to the screen every verboseth iteration
logical if tuning iteration should be printed (default=TRUE)
numeric vector with 2 elements c(a,b). standard deviation will be calculated with the last b percentages of parameters to have the wished acceptance ratio. If standard deviation is lower than a, than tuning is finished. Default is NULL
array of dimensions (rows, columns, districts) giving variance of proposal density for betavalues
matrix of dimensions (rows, columns) giving variance of proposal density for alphavalues.
matrix with dimension=c(rows,columns) giving the starting values for alpha. If NULL random numbers of rdirichlet with prioriPars will be drawn
array with dimension=c(rows,columns,districts) giving the starting values of beta If NULL random multinomial numbers with startValsAlpha or prioriPars will be draws
Default is NULL. Can be given the "seed" attribute of an eiwild-object to reproduce an eiwild-object


A list containing matrices of variance parameters for the proposal densities


indi is a districts x [(r*c)+1] data.frame containing one district per line. One column gives the ID of the districts. This will we connected to the ID column in the aggr-data.frame. The rest of one line in indi is every row beside the nex row. For example a 2x3 ecological Inference problem with formula cbind(col1,col2,col3) ~ cbind(row1,row2) will have the row format : [ID, row1.col1, row1.col2, row1.col3, row2.col1, row2.col2, row2.col3]

It is important that the formula names correspond to the exact column number in the indi-data.frame.

The aggr data.frame can have more columns than the names given in formula as long as the colnames exist

Priorities for finishing of tuning are as follows: If improv isn't specified: minProp and maxiter are checked. If improv is specified: 1) improv is checked, 2) minProp and maxiter are checked.

See Also

convertEiData, runMBayes, mcmc tuneVars, indAggEi


Run this code
## Not run: 
# data(topleveldat)
# out1 <- tuneVars(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"),sample=10000, verbose=11000)
# out2 <- tuneVars(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"), sample=10000, verbose=11000,
#                  maxiter=NULL, improv=c(0.01,5))
# out3 <- tuneVars(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"), sample=10000, verbose=11000,
#                  maxiter=NULL, accRat=c(0.45,0.55), improv=c(0.01,5))
# str(out3)
# out4 <- indAggEi(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"),
#                  betaVars=out1$betaVars, alphaVars=out1$alphaVars,
#                  sample=10000,thinning=1,burnin=100, verbose=1000)
# out4
# ## End(Not run)

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