# connection setup
(x <- connect())
# From a file already in newline delimited JSON format
plosdat <- system.file("examples", "plos_data.json", package = "elastic")
docs_bulk(x, plosdat)
index_delete(x, index='plos')
# From a data.frame
docs_bulk(x, mtcars, index = "hello")
## field names cannot contain dots
names(iris) <- gsub("\\.", "_", names(iris))
docs_bulk(x, iris, "iris")
## type can be missing, but index can not
docs_bulk(x, iris, "flowers")
## big data.frame, 53K rows, load ggplot2 package first
# res <- docs_bulk(x, diamonds, "diam")
# Search(x, "diam")$hits$total
# From a list
docs_bulk(x, apply(iris, 1, as.list), index="iris")
docs_bulk(x, apply(USArrests, 1, as.list), index="arrests")
# dim_list <- apply(diamonds, 1, as.list)
# out <- docs_bulk(x, dim_list, index="diamfromlist")
# When using in a loop
## We internally get last _id counter to know where to start on next bulk
## insert but you need to sleep in between docs_bulk calls, longer the
## bigger the data is
files <- c(system.file("examples", "test1.csv", package = "elastic"),
system.file("examples", "test2.csv", package = "elastic"),
system.file("examples", "test3.csv", package = "elastic"))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes")
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")
# You can include your own document id numbers
## Either pass in as an argument
index_create(x, "testes")
files <- c(system.file("examples", "test1.csv", package = "elastic"),
system.file("examples", "test2.csv", package = "elastic"),
system.file("examples", "test3.csv", package = "elastic"))
tt <- vapply(files, function(z) NROW(read.csv(z)), numeric(1))
ids <- list(1:tt[1],
(tt[1] + 1):(tt[1] + tt[2]),
(tt[1] + tt[2] + 1):sum(tt))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes", doc_ids = ids[[i]],
es_ids = FALSE)
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")
## or include in the input data
### from data.frame's
index_create(x, "testes")
files <- c(system.file("examples", "test1_id.csv", package = "elastic"),
system.file("examples", "test2_id.csv", package = "elastic"),
system.file("examples", "test3_id.csv", package = "elastic"))
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes")
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")
### from lists via file inputs
index_create(x, "testes")
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
d <- read.csv(files[[i]])
d <- apply(d, 1, as.list)
docs_bulk(x, d, index = "testes")
count(x, "testes")
index_delete(x, "testes")
# data.frame's with a single column
## this didn't use to work, but now should work
db <- paste0(sample(letters, 10), collapse = "")
index_create(x, db)
res <- data.frame(foo = 1:10)
out <- docs_bulk(x, res, index = db)
count(x, db)
index_delete(x, db)
# data.frame with a mix of actions
## make sure you use a column named 'es_action' or this won't work
## if you need to delete or update you need document IDs
if (index_exists(x, "baz")) index_delete(x, "baz")
df <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 6:10, c = letters[1:5], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
invisible(docs_bulk(x, df, "baz"))
(res <- Search(x, 'baz', asdf=TRUE)$hits$hits)
df[1, "a"] <- 99
df[1, "c"] <- "aa"
df[3, "c"] <- 33
df[3, "c"] <- "cc"
df$es_action <- c('update', 'delete', 'update', 'delete', 'delete')
df$id <- res$`_id`
invisible(docs_bulk(x, df, "baz", es_ids = FALSE))
### or es_ids = FALSE and pass in document ids to doc_ids
# invisible(docs_bulk(df, "baz", es_ids = FALSE, doc_ids = df$id))
Search(x, 'baz', asdf=TRUE)$hits$hits
# Curl options
plosdat <- system.file("examples", "plos_data.json",
package = "elastic")
plosdat <- type_remover(plosdat)
invisible(docs_bulk(x, plosdat, verbose = TRUE))
# suppress progress bar
invisible(docs_bulk(x, mtcars, index = "hello", quiet = TRUE))
## vs.
invisible(docs_bulk(x, mtcars, index = "hello", quiet = FALSE))
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab