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elevatr (version 0.99.0)

get_elev_raster: Get Raster Elevation


Several web services provide access to raster elevation. Currently, this function provides access to the Amazon Web Services Terrain Tiles and the Open Topography global datasets API. The function accepts a data.frame of x (long) and y (lat), an sf, or terra object as input. A RasterLayer object is returned. In subsequent versions, a SpatRaster will be returned.


  prj = NULL,
  src = c("aws", "gl3", "gl1", "alos", "srtm15plus"),
  expand = NULL,
  clip = c("tile", "bbox", "locations"),
  verbose = TRUE,
  neg_to_na = FALSE,
  override_size_check = FALSE,


Function returns a RasterLayer in the projection specified by the prj argument or in the projection of the provided locations. In subsequent versions, a SpatRaster

will be returned.



Either a data.frame of x (long) and y (lat), an sf, or terra object as input.


The zoom level to return. The zoom ranges from 1 to 14. Resolution of the resultant raster is determined by the zoom and latitude. For details on zoom and resolution see the documentation from Mapzen at https://github.com/tilezen/joerd/blob/master/docs/data-sources.md#what-is-the-ground-resolution. The z is not required for the OpenTopography data sources.


A valid input to st_crs If a sf object or a terra object is provided as the locations, the prj is optional and will be taken from locations. This argument is required for a data.frame of locations.


A character indicating which API to use. Currently supports "aws" and "gl3", "gl1", "alos", or "srtm15plus" from the OpenTopography API global datasets. "aws" is the default.


A numeric value of a distance, in map units, used to expand the bounding box that is used to fetch the terrain tiles. This can be used for features that fall close to the edge of a tile or for retrieving additional area around the feature. If the feature is a single point, the area it returns will be small if clip is set to "bbox". Default is NULL.


A character value used to determine clipping of returned DEM. The default value is "tile" which returns the full tiles. Other options are "bbox" which returns the DEM clipped to the bounding box of the original locations (or expanded bounding box if used), or "locations" if the spatial data (e.g. polygons) in the input locations should be used to clip the DEM. Locations are not used to clip input point datasets. Instead the bounding box is used.


Toggles on and off the note about units and coordinate reference system.


Some of the data sources return large negative numbers as missing data. When the end result is a projected those large negative numbers can vary. When set to TRUE, only zero and positive values are returned. Default is FALSE.


Boolean to override size checks. Any download between 100 Mb and 500Mb report a message but continue. Between 500Mb and 3000Mb requires interaction and greater than 3000Mb fails. These can be overriden with this argument set to TRUE.


Extra arguments to pass to httr::GET via a named vector, config. See get_aws_terrain for more details.


Currently, the get_elev_raster function utilizes the Amazon Web Services (https://registry.opendata.aws/terrain-tiles/) terrain tiles and the Open Topography Global Datasets API (https://opentopography.org/developers).

The AWS Terrain Tiles data is provided via x, y, and z tiles (see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames for details.) The x and y are determined from the bounding box of the object submitted for locations argument, and the z argument must be specified by the user.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
lake_buff  <- st_buffer(lake, 1000)
loc_df <- data.frame(x = runif(6,min=sf::st_bbox(lake)$xmin, 
                     y = runif(6,min=sf::st_bbox(lake)$ymin, 
x <- get_elev_raster(locations = loc_df, prj = st_crs(lake) , z=10)
x <- get_elev_raster(lake, z = 12)
x <- get_elev_raster(lake, src = "gl3", expand = 5000)
x <- get_elev_raster(lake_buff, z = 10, clip = "locations")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab