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elevatr (version 0.99.0)

get_opentopo: Get a digital elevation model from the Open Topography SRTM Version 3


This function uses the Open Topography SRTM Version 3 files.


get_opentopo(locations, src, prj, expand = NULL, ...)



Either a data.frame of x (long) and y (lat), an sp, an sf, or raster object as input.


A valid input to st_crs If a sf object or a terra object is provided as the locations, the prj is optional and will be taken from locations. This argument is required for a data.frame of locations.


A numeric value of a distance, in map units, used to expand the bounding box that is used to fetch the SRTM data.


Extra configuration parameters to be passed to httr::GET. Common usage is to adjust timeout. This is done as config=timeout(x) where x is a numeric value in seconds. Multiple configuration functions may be passed as a vector.