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elrm (version 1.2.6)

summary.elrm: Summarize an elrm Object


Summary method for class elrm that formats and prints out the results of an elrm object.


# S3 method for elrm
summary(object, ...)



an object of class elrm, resulting from a call to elrm() or a previous call to update().


additional arguments to the summary function (currently unused).


David Zamar, Jinko Graham, Brad McNeney


The following results are formatted and printed to the screen: the matched call, coefficient estimates and confidence intervals for each model term of interest, estimated p-value for jointly testing that the parameters of interest are simultaneously equal to zero, full conditional p-values from separately testing each parameter equal to zero, length of the Markov chain that inference was based on, and the Monte Carlo standard error of each reported p-value.


Zamar David. Monte Carlo Markov Chain Exact Inference for Binomial Regression Models. Master's thesis, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 2006.

Zamar D, McNeney B and Graham J. elrm: Software Implementing Exact-like Inference for Logistic Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Software 2007, 21(3).

See Also

update.elrm, plot.elrm, elrm.


Run this code
# Drug dataset example with both sex and treatment as the variables of interest
drug.elrm = elrm(formula=recovered/n~sex+treatment, interest=~sex+treatment, r=4, 
	iter=50000, burnIn=1000, dataset=drugDat); 

# Summarize the results:

# \donttest{
# Urinary tract dataset example with dia as the variable of interst
uti.elrm = elrm(uti/n~age+current+dia+oc+pastyr+vi+vic+vicl+vis, interest=~dia, r=4, 
	iter=30000, burnIn=100, dataset=utiDat);

# Summarize the results:
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab