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emmeans (version 1.10.5)

emm: Support for multcomp::glht


These functions and methods provide an interface between emmeans and the multcomp::glht function for simultaneous inference provided by the multcomp package.



as.glht(object, ...)

# S3 method for emmGrid as.glht(object, ...)


emm returns an object of an intermediate class for which there is a multcomp::glht method.

as.glht returns an object of class glht or glht_list

according to whether object is of class emmGrid or emm_list. See Details below for more on glht_lists.



In emm, the specs, by, and contr arguments you would normally supply to emmeans. Only specs is required. Otherwise, arguments are passed to other methods. You may also include a which argument; see Details.


An object of class emmGrid or emm_list

Details for <code>emm</code>

emm is meant to be called only from "glht" as its second (linfct) argument. It works similarly to multcomp::mcp, except with specs (and optionally by and contr arguments) provided as in a call to emmeans.

If the specifications in ... would result in a list (i.e., an emm_list object), then by default, only the last element of that list is passed to glht. However, if ... contains a which argument consisting of integer values, the list elements with those indexes are selected and combined and passed on to glht. No checking is done on whether the indexes are valid, and the keyword which must be spelled-out.

Details for <code>as.glht</code>

When no by variable is in force, we obtain a glht object; otherwise it is a glht_list. The latter is defined in emmeans, not multcomp, and is simply a list of glht objects. Appropriate convenience methods coef, confint, plot, summary, and vcov are provided, which simply apply the corresponding glht methods to each member.


Run this code
if(require(multcomp, quietly = TRUE)) 
    # Use emm_example("glht-multcomp", list = TRUE) # to see just the code

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab