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emmeans (version 1.10.5)

emm_list: The emm_list class


An emm_list object is simply a list of emmGrid objects. Such a list is returned, for example, by emmeans with a two-sided formula or a list as its specs argument. Several methods for this class are provided, as detailed below. Typically, these methods just quietly do the same thing as their emmGrid methods, using the first element of the list. You can specify which to select a different element, or just run the corresponding emmGrid method on object[[k]].


# S3 method for emm_list
contrast(object, ..., which = 1)

# S3 method for emm_list pairs(x, ..., which = 1)

# S3 method for emm_list test(object, ..., which = seq_along(object))

# S3 method for emm_list confint(object, ..., which = seq_along(object))

# S3 method for emm_list plot(x, ..., which = 1)

# S3 method for emm_list coef(object, ..., which = 2)

# S3 method for emm_list str(object, ...)

# S3 method for emm_list summary(object, ..., which = seq_along(object))

# S3 method for emm_list print(x, ...)

# S3 method for emm_list as.data.frame(x, ...)

# S3 method for summary_eml as.data.frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, which, ...)


a list of objects returned by the corresponding emmGrid

method (thus, often, another emm_list object). However, if

which has length 1, the one result is not wrapped in a list.

summary.emm_list returns an object of class summary_eml, which is a list of summary_emm


The as.data.frame methods return a single data frame via as.data.frame(rbind(x)). See also rbind.emm_list and as.data.frame.emmGrid


object, x

an object of class emm_list


additional arguments passed to corresponding emmGrid method


integer vector specifying which elements to select.

row.names, optional

Required arguments of as.data.frame, ignored