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emmeans (version 1.10.5)

regrid: Reconstruct a reference grid with a new transformation or simulations


The typical use of this function is to cause EMMs to be computed on a different scale, e.g., the back-transformed scale rather than the linear-predictor scale. In other words, if you want back-transformed results, do you want to average and then back-transform, or back-transform and then average?


regrid(object, transform = c("response", "mu", "unlink", "none", "pass",
  links), inv.link.lbl = "response", predict.type,
  bias.adjust = get_emm_option("back.bias.adj"), sigma, N.sim,
  sim = mvtnorm::rmvnorm, ...)


An emmGrid object with the requested changes



An object of class emmGrid


Character, list, or logical value. If "response", "mu", or TRUE, the inverse transformation is applied to the estimates in the grid (but if there is both a link function and a response transformation, "mu" back-transforms only the link part); if "none" or FALSE, object is re-gridded so that its bhat slot contains predict(object) and its linfct slot is the identity. Any internal transformation information is preserved. If transform = "pass", the object is not re-gridded in any way (this may be useful in conjunction with N.sim).

If transform is a character value in links (which is the set of valid arguments for the make.link function, excepting "identity"), or if transform is a list of the same form as returned by make.links or make.tran, the results are formulated as if the response had been transformed with that link function.


Character value. This applies only when transform is in links, and is used to label the predictions if subsequently summarized with type = "response".


Character value. If provided, the returned object is updated with the given type to use by default by summary.emmGrid (see update.emmGrid). This may be useful if, for example, when one specifies transform = "log" but desires summaries to be produced by default on the response scale.


Logical value for whether to adjust for bias in back-transforming (transform = "response"). This requires a valid value of sigma to exist in the object or be specified.


Error SD assumed for bias correction (when transform = "response" and a transformation is in effect). If not specified, object@misc$sigma is used, and a warning is issued if it is not found.


Integer value. If specified and object is based on a frequentist model (i.e., does not have a posterior sample), then a fake posterior sample is generated using the function sim.


A function of three arguments (no names are assumed). If N.sim is supplied with a frequentist model, this function is called with respective arguments N.sim, object@bhat, and object@V. The default is the multivariate normal distribution.



Degrees of freedom

In cases where the degrees of freedom depended on the linear function being estimated (e.g., Satterthwaite method), the d.f. from the reference grid are saved, and a kind of “containment” method is substituted in the returned object, whereby the calculated d.f. for a new linear function will be the minimum d.f. among those having nonzero coefficients. This is kind of an ad hoc method, and it can over-estimate the degrees of freedom in some cases. An annotation is displayed below any subsequent summary results stating that the degrees-of-freedom method is inherited from the previous method at the time of re-gridding.


The regrid function reparameterizes an existing ref.grid so that its linfct slot is the identity matrix and its bhat slot consists of the estimates at the grid points. If transform is TRUE, the inverse transform is applied to the estimates. Outwardly, when transform = "response", the result of summary.emmGrid after applying regrid is identical to the summary of the original object using type="response". But subsequent EMMs or contrasts will be conducted on the new scale -- which is the reason this function exists.

This function may also be used to simulate a sample of regression coefficients for a frequentist model for subsequent use as though it were a Bayesian model. To do so, specify a value for N.sim and a sample is simulated using the function sim. The grid may be further processed in accordance with the other arguments; or if transform = "pass", it is simply returned with the only change being the addition of the simulated sample.


Run this code
pigs.lm <- lm(log(conc) ~ source + factor(percent), data = pigs)
rg <- ref_grid(pigs.lm)

# This will yield EMMs as GEOMETRIC means of concentrations:
(emm1 <- emmeans(rg, "source", type = "response"))
pairs(emm1) ## We obtain RATIOS

# This will yield EMMs as ARITHMETIC means of concentrations:
(emm2 <- emmeans(regrid(rg, transform = "response"), "source"))
pairs(emm2)  ## We obtain DIFFERENCES
# Same result, useful if we hadn't already created 'rg'
# emm2 <- emmeans(pigs.lm, "source", regrid = "response")

# Simulate a sample of regression coefficients
rgb <- regrid(rg, N.sim = 200, transform = "pass")
emmeans(rgb, "source", type = "response")  ## similar to emm1

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