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emmeans (version 1.7.0)

mvcontrast: Multivariate contrasts


This function displays tests of multivariate comparisons or contrasts. The contrasts are constructed at each level of the variable in mult.name, and then we do a multivariate test that the vector of estimates is equal to null (zero by default). The F statistic and degrees of freedom are determined via the Hotelling distribution. that is, if there are \(m\) error degrees of freedom and multivariate dimensionality \(d\), then the resulting \(F\) statistic has degrees of freedom \((d, m - d + 1)\) as shown in Hotelling (1931).


mvcontrast(object, method = "eff", mult.name = object@roles$multresp,
  null = 0, by = object@misc$by.vars, adjust = c("sidak",
  p.adjust.methods), show.ests = FALSE, ...)



An object of class emmGrid


A contrast method, per contrast.emmGrid


Character vector of nNames of the factors whose levels define the multivariate means to contrast. If the model itself has a multivariate response, that is what is used. Otherwise, mult.name must be specified.


Scalar or conformable vector of null-hypothesis values to test against


Any by variable(s). These should not include the primary variables to be contrasted. For convenience, the by variable is nulled-out if it would result in no primary factors being contrasted.


Character value of a multiplicity adjustment method ("none" for no adjustment). The available adjustment methods are more limited that in contrast, and any default adjustment returned via method is ignored.


Logical flag determining whether the multivariate means are displayed


Additional arguments passed to contrast


An object of class summary_emm containing the multivariate test results; or a list of the estimates and the tests if show.ests is TRUE. The test results include the Hotelling \(T^2\) statistic, \(F\) ratios, degrees of freedom, and \(P\) values.


Hotelling, Harold (1931) "The generalization of Student's ratio", Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2(3), 360<U+2013>378. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177732979


Run this code
MOats.lm <- lm(yield ~ Variety + Block, data = MOats)
MOats.emm <- emmeans(MOats.lm, ~ Variety | rep.meas)
mvcontrast(MOats.emm, "consec", show.ests = TRUE)  # mult.name defaults to rep.meas

# Test each mean against a specified null vector
mvcontrast(MOats.emm, "identity", name = "Variety", 
           null = c(80, 100, 120, 140), adjust = "none")
# (Note 'name' is passed to contrast() and overrides default name "contrast")

# 'mult.name' need not refer to a multivariate response
mvcontrast(MOats.emm, "trt.vs.ctrl1", mult.name = "Variety")

# }

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