# prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB
# (see ?load_emuDB for more information)
# add ssff track definition to ae emuDB
# calculating the according SSFF files (.zcr) on-the-fly
# using the wrassp function "zcrana" (zero-crossing-rate analysis)
add_ssffTrackDefinition(emuDBhandle = ae,
name = "ZCRtrack",
onTheFlyFunctionName = "zcrana")
# add ssff track definition to ae emuDB
# for SSFF files that will be added later (either
# by adding files to the emuDB using
# the add_files() function or by calculating
# them using the according function provided
# by the wrassp package)
add_ssffTrackDefinition(emuDBhandle = ae,
name = "formants",
columnName = "fm",
fileExtension = "fms")
# list ssff track definitions for ae emuDB
list_ssffTrackDefinitions(emuDBhandle = ae)
# remove newly added ssff track definition (does not delete
# the actual .zrc files)
remove_ssffTrackDefinition <- function(emuDBhandle = ae,
name = "ZCRtrack")
# }
# }
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