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emuR (version 1.0.0)

add_files: Add files to emuDB


Add files to existing bundles of specified session of emuDB. Do not use this function to import new recordings (media files) and create bundles; see ?import_mediaFiles to import new recordings. The files that are found in dir that have the extension fileExtension will be copied into the according bundle folder that have the same basename as the file. Note that the same bundle name may appear in different sessions, therefore you must specify the session in targetSessionName. For more information on the structural elements of an emuDB see vignette{emuDB}. Note that adding files does not mean the emuDB is automatically using these, unless you have defined the usage of these files (e.g. by ssffTrackDefinitions).


add_files(emuDBhandle, dir, fileExtension, targetSessionName = "0000")



emuDB handle as returned by load_emuDB


directory containing files to be added


file extension of files to be added


name of sessions containing bundles that the files will be added to


Run this code
# prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB 
# (see ?load_emuDB for more information)

# specify path to folder containing the following
# files we wish to add to: 
# msajc003.zcr, msajc010.zcr, msajc012.zcr, msajc015.zcr, 
# msajc022.zcr, msajc023.zcr and msajc057.zcr 
path2dir = "/path/to/dir/"

# add the files to session "0000" of the "ae" emuDB
add_files(emuDBhandle = ae,
          dir = path2dir,
          fileExtension = "zcr",
          targetSessionName = "0000")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab