This function takes as input pairs of media files (i.e. wav files) and plain text transcriptions files. It creates a new emuDB with one bundle per media file, and turns the associated transcription into an item in that bundle. For this purpose, media files and text files belonging to the same bundle must be named identically (with the exception of their respective file extensions). The newly created emuDB is stored in the target directory, and its handle is returned.
convert_txtCollection(dbName, sourceDir, targetDir, txtExtension = "txt",
mediaFileExtension = "wav", attributeDefinitionName = "transcription",
cleanWhitespaces = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
name of the new emuDB
directory containing the plain text transcription files and media files
directory where the new emuDB will be stored
file extension of transcription files
file extension of media files
label name of the transcription items
if true, any sequence of whitespaces in the transcription (including newlines and tabs) is transformed into a single blank
display progress bar
convert_BPFCollection, convert_TextGridCollection